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generał brygady

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Decisions in the Council of the EU are taken by qualified majority as a general rule.
Co do zasady Rada UE podejmuje decyzje kwalifikowaną większością głosów.


Or in 2008, Major General Champoux to come in and say he would deliver the "decisive year."
Lub w 2008 generał brygady Champoux twierdził, że zapewni nam "decydujący rok".


May I introduce Major General Albert Stubblebine III, commander of military intelligence in 1983.
Przedstawiam wam Generała Alberta Stubblebine'a III, szefa wywiadu w 1983.


At the time, crude oil reached USD 140 a barrel, with major effects on the general economy and on private individuals in the European Union.
Ropa naftowa osiągała wówczas cenę 140 dolarów za baryłkę, co rodziło poważne skutki dla całej gospodarki, jak i dla osób prywatnych w Unii Europejskiej.


Also today, major-general Uri Bar-Lev, the top policeman being investigated for alleged sexual assault and rape, said he was withdrawing his candidacy to become Israel's police commissioner and taking an unspecified time of leave.


But major-general Van Zyl is unlikely to listen to scurrilous speculation.


At a funeral yesterday for the marines killed on Yeonpyeong, the South Korean military commander, major-general You Nak-jun, laid flowers at an altar and vowed that his country would retaliate if there was a further attack from the North.


The other signatories to the letter were Vice-Admiral Sir Jeremy Blackham, Vice-Admiral John McAnally and major-general Julian Thompson.
