(Noun) bielizna pościelowa, stołowa i ręczniki;
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
Manchester Craftsmen's Guild is named after my neighborhood.
Swoją drogą, Cech Rzemieślników w Manchesterze nosi nazwę mojego rodzinnego okręgu.
Last month, there was a piece in the Guardian, in the Manchester Guardian, about it -- two whole pages.
W zeszłym miesiącu opisano to na dwóch stronach w "The Guardian".
A gun like this tragically killed a 12-year-old Manchester girl, Kamilah Peniston.
Rewolwer taki jak ten spowodował tragiczną śmierć 12-letniej dziewczynki z Manchesteru, Kamilah Peniston.
They were sent down to find if there was any opportunity for selling shoes, and they wrote telegrams back to Manchester.
Byli oni wysłani aby sprawdzić możliwości sprzedaży butów.
In effect, what it will be doing is putting small firms in Liverpool and Manchester - in his own constituency - out of business.
W rezultacie tych działań z rynku znikną małe przedsiębiorstwa z Liverpoolu i Manchesteru - jego okręgu wyborczego.
The Red Knights, a group of investors trying to buy Manchester United, have recruited more than 40 wealthy individuals to help provide a Â?1.25bn bid kitty.Manchester United insists that it is not for sale, but experts see it differently.Manchester United and the Red Knights declined to comment.It is also a concept that alarms many scientists. "If you replace the whole council, that will bring a great deal of instability," said Dame Nancy Rothwell, the Manchester neuroscientist who presented the institution's 1998 Christmas lectures. "It would disrupt all the RI's efforts to raise cash, which is why the staff have urged against the plan. "The Met and the City of London police mounted 10 of the 40 operations with Thames Valley, Sussex and Greater Manchester police also involved.Once upon a time, sounds were attached to places. Rock'n'roll travelled the Atlantic and docked at Liverpool, giving birth to Merseybeat. Manchester married raving and rock music, and spawned Madchester. Grunge formed under Seattle's gloomy skies and then took over the world. The local scene â?? the notion of several bands and musicians from the same area appropriating a similar style of records â?? would begin with friends listening to the same music and forming bands that would play in the same clubs, before record labels, DJs and writers would take note, at which point a city's bands would find themselves the centre of worldwide attention.These local genres weren't always as definitive as legend would have it: many of them appeared by accident before being written into history. Phil Saxe managed the Happy Mondays before Madchester's heyday in the late 80s and early 90s, and went on to promote new music at Manchester's industry showcase, In the City. "When the Mondays first started, Mancunians weren't interested," he says. "It took off in London, particularly with the London journalism intelligentsia. But calling it Madchester makes it a local scene. If Madchester's music had been called 'ecstasy music' or something, would the link with Manchester be as strong as it is now?"Promoters of live music have had to rethink their game as a result. "Before, if somebody sent me that demo and I listened to that demo and liked it, no one else in the world would know about that artist," says Phil Saxe. "About 12 years ago I put Coldplay, Elbow and Muse on at In the City. Nobody knew about any of those bands or how to contact them, so they had to come to the convention in Manchester to see them. You can't do that any more. As soon as we mention the name of the band, people go on MySpace and make the connection straight away."Nash, born in Manchester and, as a founder of the Hollies, an integral part of the swinging 60s pop and rock scene, became a darling of the US flower power generation with Crosby, Stills and Nash, later together with Neil Young. The trio play Glastonbury this month.A crowd of more than 15,000 filled Manchester city centre to watch the game on a giant screen while thousands congregated in front of screens in Newcastle's Times Square and in Millennium Square in Leeds.
And now it is you who will send the news to Manchester.
A teraz to ty będziesz wysyłać nowiny do Manchesteru.
And a further 37 to the two hospitals in Manchester.
I kolejnych 37 do dwóch szpitali w Manchesterze.
And he wrote that he must go to Manchester again.
Napisał, że znowu musi jechać do Manchester.
We came across each other when he came to Manchester ten year ago.
Natknęliśmy się na siebie, gdy 10 lat temu przyjechał do Manchesteru.
After all I went through to send it to Manchester!
Po tym wszystkim, co przeszedłem, żeby ją wysłać!
He was even wearing that - red Manchester United top, you know.
Miał nawet na sobie tę czerwoną koszulkę Manchesteru United...
They came to Manchester by railway, just last night.
Przyjechały do Machesteru koleją zaledwie ostatniej nocy.
A man in the textile industry must know Manchester.
Ktoś, kto pracuje w przemyśle tekstylnym musi znać Manchester.
And you said, That's the young lady who was my secretary in Manchester.
A pan powie: To ta młoda dama, która była moją sekretarką w Manchesterze.
If you have something definite to say about Manchester, we might...
Jeśli wie pan coś konkretnego na temat Manchesteru, moglibyśmy...
The whole world's falling apart, and Manchester United with it.
całego świata rozpada, a Manchester United z nim.
If he asks about me, say I left this afternoon for Manchester.
Gdyby pytał o mnie, wyjechałem po południu do Manchesteru.
Something like this could destroy her reputation at Manchester.
Taka afera mogłaby zaszkodzić jej reputacji w szkole.
The pride of Manchester United prepare for the new football season.
Duma Manchester United przygotowuje się do kolejnego sezonu.
We could have died that day in Manchester.
Mogliśmy zginąć tamtego dnia w Manchesterze.
We have to be in Manchester in two hours.
Musimy być w Manchesterze za dwie godziny.
I'll bet Grandpa never wrote you a letter from Manchester.
Dziadek na pewno nie wysłał wam listu z Manchesteru.
I was on my way to Manchester anyway.
I tak byłem w drodze do Manchesteru.
You don't want to go to Manchester anyway.
I tak nie chcesz jechać do Manchesteru.
I'm doing the dematerializer trick with this chick from Manchester.
Robię sztuczkę z dematerializacją, z laską z Manchesteru.
We live in Manchester and I have five ennormous boys.
Lady Rosseter. Mieszkamy w Manchesterze i mamy pięciu dorodnych synów.
It's in the Manchester Guardian too, and things are going ill for it.
W Manchester Guardian też jest, i piszą tam, że ma się ku upadkowi.
Have to stay in shape to play in Manchester.
Musisz być w formie jak chcesz grać dla Manchesteru.
My wife will write to Manchester, and they'il be here by Friday.
Moja żona napisze do Manchesteru, i będą tu w piątek.
Greater Manchester Police tell me that 46% of all guns seized last year were converted weapons.
Policja Greater Manchester mówi mi, że 46% wszystkich rewolwerów skonfiskowanych w zeszłym roku były to przerobione kopie broni.
A small community organisation in Manchester asked for my help in resolving a complaint with its energy supplier.
Niewielka organizacja lokalna w Manchester poprosiła mnie o pomoc w złożeniu skargi na swojego dostawcę energii.
Take me back to Manchester when it's raining.
Zabierz mnie do Manchesteru kiedy pada.
Iron Maiden used to tour in the toughest areas of Manchester.
Iron Maiden wykorzystywane do wycieczek w najtrudniejszym obszary w Manchesterze.
When are you going back to Manchester?
Kiedy wracasz do Manchesteru? Nie wracam
Manchester United has already got into the final
Manchester United zagra w finale.
It's a long way back to Manchester!
Przed nami długa droga do Manchesteru!
Sometimes ladies do go to funerals in Manchester.
W Machester damy czasami chodzą na pogrzeby.
I've been waiting for news from Manchester.
Czekam na wiadomości z Manchesteru.
He was a big Manchester United fan, huge.
Był wielkim fanem Manchester United, ogromne.
Cantona takes it in his stride and fires Manchester United into the lead.
Cantona przyjmuje, wchodzi w uliczkę i wyprowadza Manchester United na prowadzenie.
He would never tell me when my favorite team Manchester United lost. Never.
Nie powiedział mi, gdy przegrała moja ulubiona drużyna.
I hear Alex has been talking to Manchester.
Słyszałem, że Alex dzwoniła do Manchesteru.
He's that Manchester City player with the blond Brazilian on his head.
To ten gracz Manchester City z brazylijskim czymś na głowie.
I want to get back 'ome to rainy Manchester
Chcę wracać do domu do deszczowego Manchasteru
What brought you here from Manchester?
Co sprowadziło tu pana z Manchesteru?
To find me... watching the Manchester United football team!
I dowiaduje się że... oglądam drużynę Manchester United!
His family owns a soap manufactory, in Manchester.
Jego rodzina posiada fabrykę mydła w Manchesterze.
Manchester United win. very good team.
Manchester United wygrał. bardzo dobry zespół.
He works at Manchester now, in the Infirmary.
Teraz pracuje w Manchester, w izbie chorych.
It is 12 miles from Manchester.
To jednak 12 mil z Manchesteru.
The whole of Manchester, the whole city.
Cały Manchester, całe miasto.
I mean, with the Manchester people.
Chodzi mi o ludzi z Manchesteru.
Manchester United has had a bad season
Manchester United ma kiepski sezon
Manchester United, the finest soccer team Britain has produced since the war,
Manchester United, najwspanialsza drużyna jaką Wielka Brytania stworzyła od czasu wojny,