(Noun) astronomia Mars;
n (myth, astron) Mars
Mars (planeta)
Mars (planeta, starożytny bóg wojny)
im., mitol. Mars
mitol.,astr. Mars
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
It's actually a wind-chill factor which is lower than a summer day on Mars.
To daje efekt wychłodzenia silniejszy niż w letni dzień na Marsie.
Particularly Mars, but also Europa, the small, icy moon around Jupiter.
Na Marsie, ale też Europie, małym, zlodowaciałym księżycu Jowisza.
And unless you've been on Mars recently, you know there's a lot of that out there.
Jeśli nie byliście ostatnio na Marsie, wiecie, że jest tego pełno.
If we can have Mars Rovers, you'd think you could turn pages.
Mamy roboty na Marsie, więc czemu nie robota do przewracania stron.
Honeybee Robotics designed the Mars Driller, and it was really very much fun to work with them.
Honeybee Robotics zaprojektowało także sondę marsjańską. ~~~ Współpraca z nimi była bardzo zabawna.
Researchers believe their study of apparent marine deltas and valley networks suggest a third of Mars was once under water
Scientists have revived arguments over whether there was once an ocean on the surface of Mars by claiming that their analysis of existing data supports the hypothesis that water covered much of the red planet's northern hemisphere 3.5bn years ago.
They believe their study of apparent marine deltas and valley networks in the journal Nature Geoscience bolsters the possibility that up to a third of Mars was under about 30 cubic miles of water.
Gaetano Di Achille and Bryan Hynek, of the University of Colorado, led a team that analysed the distribution of supposed ancient delta deposits and river-valley networks on Mars. They found many of the deltas were at a similar elevation and suggested these might ring an ancient shoreline, providing strong support for a vast ocean once covering the northern plains of the planet. While admitting that the idea remained one of the greatest uncertainties in Mars research, they added that: "Our findings lend credence to the hypothesis that an ocean formed on early Mars as part of a global and active hydrosphere."
Officers decided to buy Mars bars, Double Deckers and water at the force's expense and brought the supplies on board. The flight eventually left shortly before 8pm.
The big inward investment movies â?? or Hollywood funded â?? of 2010 include the final Harry Potter, John Carter of Mars and the next Pirates of the Caribbean.
And, a few months after the massed ranks of nu-proggers poured out their woes to Mojo, Radiohead released OK Computer. The kind of prog fan that prefers their bands influenced by everything from Genesis to Marillion may recoil a little at the very mention of its name; indeed, Mike Portnoy points out that "in those days, Radiohead would totally put down the term prog", and thinks its success had little impact on how Transatlantic were received "because we're doing something that's more pure, retro prog: we're trying to take those classic prog sounds and make new music with it, but not necessarily make a new sound". Even so, it's hard to see how its multi-platinum success can have done the prog scene anything but good by reawakening a public interest in long, episodic songs, retooling the gloomy mein of Dark Side of the Moon for a new decade. Around the same time, metal â?? traditionally progressive rock's best mate, with its emphasis on musicianship, partiality for excess and inability to resist a bit of lyrical sword and sorcery â?? began to rekindle its friendship with prog in the aftermath of grunge. Opeth, Coheed & Cambria, then later Mastodon and the Mars Volta emerged, recording â?? yes â?? concept albums packed full of â?? yes, again â?? difficult time signatures and extraordinary instrumental virtuosity. Their rise, Ewing claims, changed prog's traditionally male fanbase: "Loads of girls like heavy metal."
That moment, Simmons believes, came in November last year, when he teamed up with songwriter Bruno Mars to create Nothin' on You. A glorious, euphoric, essentially old-fashioned kind of love song, it marries Mars's melody with verses from Simmons that find him alternating insouciant sung passages with raps in which his lovestruck grin is almost audible. A sonic approximation of a summer day, it would stand apart from other 2010 rap records even without B.o.B's lyric, which eschews the in-the-club, eyeing-up-the-booty cliches that have come to pass for romance in hip-hop, and turns them inside out. Simmons thinks it's comparable in spirit to A Tribe Called Quest's Bonita Applebum, but that may be its only antecedent in the hip-hop canon.
Remember when Life on Mars started? It wasn't merely set in the 1970s, it was set in a boiled-down super-concentrate of the 1970s. It was laid on so thick â?? the wallpaper, the hair, the music, the cars â?? that not for one second were you allowed to forget which decade you were in.
10th over: Pakistan 9-1 (Butt 7 Ali 0) From around the wicket Anderson only has one way of dismissing the left-handed batsman, and that's caught behind. If he switches over the wicket he has three - caught behind, lbw and bowled. Yet still he persists with this line of attack to Butt. Glory be! A run off! Butt glances the ball to fine leg, for Palistan's first scoring shot in fifty deliveries. "RE: Andrew Jerry and his beast of a sandwich," writes Jeff Phillips, "I work with Andy and I am finding it difficult to believe that he possesses the capability to create such a culinary masterpiece. To be honest, he struggles to get the recipe right when making me a cup of tea. Its far more likely that he'll end up burning his house down, while attempting to make the sandwich, and end up having a mars bar for breakfast whilst sat in the local A&E waiting room. Happy birthday for tomorrow though, Andrew."
But we can be sure they will take us to Mars.
Ale możemy być pewni że zabiorą nas na Marsa
Mars is more than 140 million miles from the sun.
Mars jest położony około 250 milionów km od słońca.
I think we are still in the hour of Mars.
Wciąż jesteśmy w godzinie Marsa.
Not even if you were the last man on Mars.
Nawet jeśli byłbyś ostatnim facetem na Marsie.
So who wants to be the first man on Mars, you?
Więc kto chce zostać pierwszym człowiekiem na Marsie, ty?
Anything is better than having them take us to Mars.
Wszystko bedzie lepsze niż pozwolenie na to, aby zabrali nas na Marsa.
The man don't even know whether he's been to Mars or not.
Człowiek nawet nie wie,czy był na Marsie czy nie.
I tried to get in on the Mars mission but they wouldn't take me.
Próbowałem się dostać na misję na Marsa, ale mnie nie wzięli.
At that speed, he must be on his way to Mars!
Z tą prędkością musi zbliżać się do Marsa!
That what you're looking at is quite possibly from Mars.
To na co właśnie patrzysz być może pochodzi z Marsa.
This doesn't look anything like the Mars we see in movies.
To nie wygląda na Marsa jakiego oglądaliśmy w filmach.
And thanks for staring at her in church like she was from Mars.
Dzięki, że patrzył się pan na nią w kościele jakby była z Marsa.
What the heck do you need to be from Mars for?
Co ty cholera potrzebujesz żeby być z Marsa?
Those astronauts never said anything about finding life on Mars.
Ci astronauci nigdy nie wspominali o znalezieniu życia na Marsie.
She takes your people out into the galaxy, because you die, on Mars.
Ona zabierze ludzkość w gwiazdy, ponieważ ty umrzesz. Na Marsie.
We drove them from the surface of Mars long before you were born.
skierowaliśmy ich od powierzchni Marsa długiego zanim zostałeś urodzony.
I'll come to you even if you're on the rocket to Mars!
Przypłynę do ciebie, jeśli nawet będziesz leciała na Marsa.
If that woman ever gets to Mars, you can forget about the planet.
Jeśli ta kobieta kiedykolwiek dostanie się na Marsa, możesz zapomnieć o tej planecie.
So when you're here at home, it's okay to be from Mars.
Kiedy jesteś tutaj, w domu, to jest w pożądku, że jesteś z Marsa.
I do not recall that on Mars have images of this site.
Nie przypominam sobie, by na zdjęciach z Marsa istniały takie miejsca.
Every girl in school is acting like you're made out of Mars bars.
Każda dziewczyna w szkole zachowuje się jakbyś był z batoników Mars.
Houston, we have three men alive and breathing on Mars.
Mamy na Marsie trzech oddychających ludzi.
Even on Mars, it is the staff of life.
Nawet na Marsie woda jest źródłem życia.
I wonder if someone's up there on Mars, having a quick cigarette like me.
Zastanawiam się, czy ktoś jest teraz na Marsie i też pali papierosa.
Theoretically, is it possible for someone to survive on Mars?
Teoretycznie, czy jest możliwe że ktoś mógłby przeżyć na Marsie?
If it's men from Mars, we ought to let them know we're friendly.
Jeśli to ludzie z Marsa, powinniśmy ich zapewnić, że jesteśmy przyjacielscy.
I had a report that died in a field meteorite near Mars.
Mam raport, że zginęła, w zderzeniu z meteorytem w pobliżu Marsa.
His hope was to discover some method of communication with Mars.
Miał nadzieję wynaleźć metodę na nawiązanie komunikacji z Marsem.
You could go to the University of Mars and it wouldn't be far enough.
Możesz jechać na Uniwersytet na Marsie a to i tak nie wystarczy.
It seems the military had strategic reasons for wanting to go to Mars.
Wojsko miało strategiczne powody, aby doprowadzić do tej misji.
How they get the images of Mars back to Earth?
Jak sprowadzają zdjęcia z Marsa na Ziemię?
Our dog is a pod person from the planet Mars.
Nasz pies jest obcym z Marsa!
We put calendar there to warn you not to visit Mars.
Kalendarz miał was ostrzec przed odwiedzaniem Marsa.
Tell your sister there is no life on Mars!
Powiedz siostrze, że nie ma życia na Marsie.
Wanted to be king of Mars or some shit.
Chciał zostać królem Marsa, czy coś w tym guście.
If that phrase isn't on the Mars family crest, it should be.
Jeśli tego zwrotu jeszcze nie ma w herbie rodziny Marsów, to powinien tam być.
It's not every mars wish to sit in blood.
Nie każdy chce się kąpać we krwi.
Now, the Mars you see today is dry, dusty, cold, apparently dead.
Obecnie Mars jest suchą, zapyloną i zimną planetą. Najwidoczniej martwą.
The point is, Earth wants to keep Mars as its colony.
Chodzi o to, że Ziemia chce utrzymać Marsa jako swoją kolonię.
I read someplace Mars is near the Earth right now.
Czytałem, że Mars jest teraz blisko Ziemi.
I think I saw a kid that grew up on mars.
Myślę, że spotkałem dzieciaka, który dorastał na Marsie.
More elaborate versions could help us construct a Mars base.
Ulepszone wersje mogłyby nam pomóc zbudować bazę na Marsie.
Cause there's a possibility there could be life on Mars
Cause there's a possibility there could be life on Mars
All I wanted was to send a signal to Mars.
Chciałem tylko wysłać sygnał na marsa.
Do you think a trip to Mars was rough?
Myślisz, że zaszkodziła ci podróż na Marsa?
All the little technological things in that thing to Mars going,
Wszystkie te małe technologiczne pierdułki w tej rzeczy lecącej na marsa
He was my most promising student 1 00 years ago, at Mars University.
Był moim najbardziej obiecującym uczniem 100 lat temu, na Uniwersytecie Marsjańskim.
And they showed her a beautiful house... on the planet Mars.
I pokazali jej piękny dom na Marsie. I powiedzieli:
Nobody ever wanted Mars the way you two did, not even Woody.
Nikt kiedykolwiek nie chciał lecieć na Marsa bardziej niż wy, nawet Woody.
They told me what happened... how you got infected up on Mars.
Powiedzieli mi co się stało. Jak zostałeś zarażony na Marsie.