Praktyczny słownik religijny angielsko-polski 2005, Krzysztof Czekierda

im. Michał Anioł

Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

Michelangelo Merisi, known as Caravaggio after the Lombardy town where he grew up, was a young man at the height of his career in Rome when he killed a man in a brawl in 1606, fleeing to find new patrons in Naples and then Malta, only to be thrown off the island two years later for more brawling.
It is all a far cry from Forte dei Marmi's 16th-century origins, when Michelangelo built a road from quarries inland to load marble on to waiting ships. The artistic tradition continued into the 20th century with the arrival of Thomas Mann, Aldous Huxley, Giacomo Puccini and Henry Moore, followed by industrial dynasties such as the Agnellis and the Morattis.
It's through one of my contemporary art heroes, Derek Jarman, that I got really turned on to the artist. I'm really good friends with John Maybury whose mentor was Jarman and when Jarman's film Caravaggio came out in the 80s I was living in London. It had a really big impact on me, I wanted to learn more about Caravaggio, I just loved his aesthetic. While Michelangelo was aspirational, using bodies at the height of perfection, Caravaggio was much more of a realist. The kind of beauty he depicts isn't in any sense what we see traditionally in painting of that time. He always found beauty in the unexpected, the ordinary â?? in the street urchin's face, the broken nose, and the heavy brow. That's why Caravaggio is a very sympathetic figure to me. I too try to find the beauty in everyone that I photograph, whether it's the kids in South Central LA who invented the new dance form I documented in Rize, or the transsexual Amanda Lepore who I've photographed a lot. People think she is freakish but I don't â?? I love her.
Today, if you took a photograph with the type of bodies Michelangelo used it would look like a [Calvin Klein] Obsession advert, whereas Caravaggio depicted the elderly, the imperfect, even death. You never turn your head away from a Caravaggio piece no matter how brutal it is because there's such a balance of horror, of unsightly bodies and violent scenes, with such great beauty.
It's through one of my contemporary art heroes, Derek Jarman, that I got really turned on to the artist. I'm really good friends with John Maybury whose mentor was Jarman and when Jarman's film Caravaggio came out in the 80s I was living in London. It had a really big impact on me, I wanted to learn more about Caravaggio, I just loved his aesthetic. While Michelangelo was aspirational, using bodies at the height of perfection, Caravaggio was much more of a realist. The kind of beauty he depicts isn't in any sense what we see traditionally in painting of that time. He always found beauty in the unexpected, the ordinary â?? in the street urchin's face, the broken nose, and the heavy brow. That's why Caravaggio is a very sympathetic figure to me. I too try to find the beauty in everyone that I photograph, whether it's the kids in South Central LA who invented the new dance form I documented in Rize, or the transsexual Amanda Lepore who I've photographed a lot. People think she is freakish but I don't â?? I love her.
Today, if you took a photograph with the type of bodies Michelangelo used it would look like a [Calvin Klein] Obsession advert, whereas Caravaggio depicted the elderly, the imperfect, even death. You never turn your head away from a Caravaggio piece no matter how brutal it is because there's such a balance of horror, of unsightly bodies and violent scenes, with such great beauty.
In a nine-page document, the legal team from Rome argues that the state of Italy, not the city of Florence, is the legal successor to the Florentine Republic, which funded the purchase of the sinuous, sling-bearing David that Michelangelo daringly carved from an awkwardly sized block of Carrara marble that had lain unused in Florence for decades.

Michelangelo's old man considered art a profession of social disgrace.
Joe. Sztuka Michel Angelo: Stary człowiek, jest uważana jako społeczna hańba.

Now, which one of you two brothers is Michelangelo?
Który z was, bracia... to Michał Anioł?

Not even Michelangelo can distinguish this David from his original.
Nawet Michał Anioł nie odróżniłby tego Davida od swojego oryginału.

So Michelangelo learned not to use his hands.
Więc Michał Anioł nauczył się nie używać rąk do pracy.

We have to separate Michelangelo and the corpse.
Musimy oddzielić Michała Anioła i zwłoki. Wreszcie.

We went to Rome on business, but, thanks to Michelangelo...
Pojechaliśmy tam w interesach, ale dzięki Michałowi Aniołowi...

Michelangelo feels very deeply about the workers.
Michelangelo bardzo się angażuje w sprawy pracowników.

For me, that recipe was like Michelangelo's David.
Dla mnie, ten przepis był jak Dawid Michała Anioła.

Michelangelo's father, he was a wealthy man.
Ojciec Michała Anioła. Był bardzo bogaty.

And, Casey, your jaw was chiseled by Michelangelo himself.
Casey, twoją szczękę wyrzeźbił chyba sam Michał Anioł.

Like Michelangelo he paints his private dome.
Jak Michał Anioł, prywatną kopułę maluje,

So here we have the Sistine Chapel, painted by Michelangelo.
Więc mamy tu Kaplicę Sykstyńską, namalowaną przez Michała Anioła.

You ain't going to kill me, mr. Michelangelo.
Nie zabije mnie pan, panie Michale Aniele.

And what would Michelangelo say?
A co by na to powiedział Michał Anioł?

She'd marry him for the beauty of his opinions or his autograph of Michelangelo.
Jest gotowa go poślubić dla jego pięknych opinii, albo dla jego autografu Michała Anioła.

He can paint like Michelangelo.
Potrafi malować jak Michał Anioł.

Michelangelo to see you, your Holiness.
Wasza Świętobliwość, Michał Anioł przyszedł się z Tobą zobaczyć.

What are you doing? And Michelangelo turned around and looked at him and whispered...
Co robisz?, a Michał Anioł odwrócił się, spojrzał na niego i wyszeptał...

Their leading man is one Michelangelo Abraxas.
Ich przywódcą jest jeden człowiek, Michelangelo Abraxas.

And Michelangelo's only oil painting?
I jedynym obrazem olejnym Michała Anioła?

Michelangelo, a painter and a decorator.
Michał Anioł - malarz i dekorator

And more about publicity than Michelangelo Buonarroti.
A o reklamie więcej niż Michelangelo Buonarroti.

Michelangelo, Chardin, David all surrounded by great coral sponges to absorb the moisture.
Michelangelo, Chardina, Davida są otoczone koralowymi gąbkami aby wchłaniały wilgoć.

Michelangelo shagged little boys.
Michał Anioł bzykał małych chłopców.

I remember watching Michelangelo painting the Sistine Chapel.
Pamiętam, jak Michał Anioł malował Kaplicę Sykstyńską.

But they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and the Renaissance.
Ale to z ich kraju wywodzi się Michał Anioł, Leonardo da Vinci i renesans.

Shakespeare or Michelangelo or Greek people.
Shakespeare albo Michelangelo lub Grecy.

Michelangelo designed St. Peter's, not Bernini.
Piotra. Plac zaprojektował Michał Anioł, nie Bernini.

Prime Minister, you quoted Michelangelo in your speech earlier on, and there is another good quote from an Irish poet, Oscar Wilde, when he said: 'We are all lying in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars'.
Panie premierze! Cytował pan w swym przemówieniu Michała Anioła, a jest jeszcze jeden dobry cytat z irlandzkiego poety, Oskara Wilde'a, który powiedział: "Wszyscy leżymy w rynsztoku, ale niektórzy z nas spoglądają w gwiazdy”.