Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Adjective) zawodzący, narzekający, niezadowolony, marudny, jęczący, jękliwy;

(Noun) jęk, jęczenie, zawodzenie, biadolenie, narzekanie;

Nowoczesny słownik angielsko-polski



ECTACO słownik angielsko-polski Słowniki elektroniczne Ectaco do nabycia u wydawcy


Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

9am Morning. So now, on the second day, the World Cup really begins. Yesterday was great fun â?? apart from the incessant, tedious noise made by people moaning about vuvuzelas â?? but today we get to see the team we've all been waiting for: Argentina.
When the TV chef Fanny Cradock and her husband, Johnny, visited the Marquee, they persuaded others to take an interest in Ronay's opinions and he began to write a food column for the Daily Telegraph in which he launched fearless attacks on standards, bemoaning school dinners many years before Jamie Oliver. In 1957, he completed the first edition of the Egon Ronay Guide, selling 30,000 copies. It swiftly grew in popularity and restaurants rapidly adopted a mention in the book as a mark of distinction.
I am so sick of teacher-bashing. This week there's been another burst. We apparently have 17,000 "incompetent" teachers and only 18 have been struck off. Only 18? Quick, dredge up some more. They must be punished. Then Panorama leapt in with its horrid programme, "Can I sack a teacher?", and on came the usual crew: parents whinging about their suffering children, headteachers moaning anonymously, and the dreaded Chris Woodhead, ??berteachercrusher, banging on about teachers who can't keep order, when most of us know he wasn't a roaring success himself in the classroom, and so became Chief Inspector.
After the verdict, Jackson's office issued a statement repeating his innocence and bemoaning the prospect of another trial. "Unfortunately the pain and embarrassment that this whole situation has caused our great state will not come to a close today," Jackson said.
Burnham's history as a New Labour insider goes back to the very start: 1994, when he took a job as one of Tessa Jowell's researchers. But, to the odd gasp of incredulity, he has pitched his campaign as that of an anti-elitist insurgent, talking up his working-class upbringing near Warrington and bemoaning his old colleagues' bedazzlement with wealth, glamour and influence.
Bookshops are changing. The worst are becoming novelty item and greetings card boutiques, but the good ones are selling more books than ever, and the publishers, cursing the climate and moaning as usual about the state of the harvest, show few signs of cutting back on their output. Blair's success suggests that the book-buying public may talk digital but actually buy analogue. This could be Gutenberg's long goodbye.
Burnham's history as a New Labour insider goes back to the very start: 1994, when he took a job as one of Tessa Jowell's researchers. But, to the odd gasp of incredulity, he has pitched his campaign as that of an anti-elitist insurgent, talking up his working-class upbringing near Warrington and bemoaning his old colleagues' bedazzlement with wealth, glamour and influence.
The owl had more than its nocturnal lifestyle to confirm its status as death's messenger-in-chief. All of the British species have binocular vision and suggest, perhaps, what humans might look like were we ever reincarnated as birds. Throw in their absolute silence in flight, the ghostly pale of the barn owl, their predatory habits, their eerie shrieking or moaning vocalisations, which cut through the darkness like an uncloaked dagger, and you have a set of creatures ready-made to inhabit our most cherished nightmares.
There is, of course, only so much moaning the casual fan will tolerate, and while time inside is undoubtedly horrible, you'd be best advised to take it with dignity and a dash of humour. Contrast Phil Spector's letters from inside â?? which complained about being surrounded by lowlife scumbags who would "kill you for a 39-cent bag of soup" â?? with, say, Boy George's post-prison Glastonbury performance, during which he sang Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen and cheekily changed the words of Karma Chameleon to "I'm a man, with three convictions." In PR terms, avoiding self-pity is crucial.
For all that she was once a keen student of gender studies, film director Lisa Cholodenko isn't much of a one for hand-wringing. Ask her about Hollywood and she looks you hard in the face and tells it like it is. Yes, it's plastic. Yes, it's sexist. But what is a girl to do? Moaning will you get nowhere. Besides, the simple truth is that she just does not have any particular desire to make, say, a film about an alien invasion, featuring laser guns, copious gloop and plastic body suits.

So let us stop moaning that we do not have a common policy.
I przestańmy marudzić, że nie ma polityki wspólnej.

There's still time to think of something while he's moaning there.
Mamy jeszcze czas, by coś wymyślić, gdy on tam leży i jęczy.

Pretty soon, my boys was moaning and rolling their eyes.
Moi chłopcy zaraz zaczęli jęczeć i przewracać oczami.

But I didn't use enough gel so her moaning isn't an act.
Ale nie użyłem wystarczająco dużo żelu więc jej jęczenie nie jest udawane.

I don't remember you moaning when you were getting paid.
Nie przypominam sobie, żebyś narzekał, gdy wręczałem ci pieniądze.

He's lying in the street, moaning, and pointing at it.
Leżał na ulicy,jęczał i pokazywał na...

I came inside her and she was moaning.
Kiedy w nią wszedłem zaczęła jęczeć.

Matti is lying in blood, wounded, moaning and calling for his mother.
Matti leżący w kałuży krwi, ranny, jęczący, wołający jej imię.

Please try to keep up and stop moaning.
Proszę spróbuj nie stracić ducha i przestań jęczeć.

Find someone else to listen to you moaning.
Znajdź sobie kogoś innego do wyżalania się.

I'm not putting up with your moaning shit.
Nie będę się męczyć z twoimi wrzaskami.

My boy Rick here has been bitching and moaning all week long...
Nasz chłopak Rick... klął i narzekał cały długi tydzień...

Instead of moaning or saying, Oh, God, or something normal like that.
Zamiast jęczeć czy mówić, O, Boże, czy coś w tym stylu, coś normalnego.

Now, I'm not gonna start moaning about buying you a season ticket.
Teraz nie zamierzam robić ci wyrzutów, o zakupie twojego biletu sezonowego.

Bad stuff, like, unrestrained moaning and screaming with joy?
Złe rzeczy, takie jak niewłaściwe pojękiwania czy krzyczenie z rozkoszy?

I feel it in my heart - (moaning.
Czuję to w moim sercu

I left him there like that for days, listening to him moaning, crying,
Zostawiłem go tak, leżał kilka dni, słyszałem, jak jęczał i zawodził.

Don't do nothing. Just sit here moaning.
Nic nie robię, siedzę tylko i zawodzę.

I heard you moaning under him.
Słyszałem, jak pod nim jęczałaś.

The girl was moaning so loudly last night...
Dziewczyny ostatniej nocy jęczały tak głośno...

No use in moaning about it.
Jęczenie nie zda się tu na nic.

I s not worth moaning about.
Nie warto o tym paplać.

His moaning won't let you sleep.
Jego jęki nie pozwolą ci spać.

Moaning in your sleep every night?
Ten, co jęczy przez sen noc w noc.

You mean they respond to moaning?
Masz na myśli to, że reagują na jęczenie?

All day you've been moaning.
Cały dzień jęczysz.

What are you moaning about?
Co jęczysz? Nawet cię nie drasnęło.

I'm sorry; I got so distracted, 'cause all I heard was pissing and moaning.
Przepraszam; Jestem trochę roztargniona, bo wszystko co słyszałam to jęki i narzekania.

I don't go... moaning to him every time I don't feel well.
Nie chodzę do niego skamleć za każdym razem, gdy czuję się źle.

You'll be shaking and moaning.
Będziesz się trząść i jęczeć.

But if I start simping around tampon dispensers and moaning about shoot me,
Jeśli zacznę mówić o tamponach i napięciu przed miesiączkowym, zastrzel mnie.

You were crying and moaning.
Płakałeś i jęczałeś.

Since Lenka... stop hitting me... started moaning in the corn.
Gdy Lenka... przestała mnie bić... zaczęła jęczeć w kukurydzy,

I'm not pissing and moaning.
Nie narzekam i nie jeczę.

Mommy. that building' s moaning
Mamo, ten budynek jęczy.

And stop this sighing and moaning
I skończ to wzdychanie i stękanie

He sat in the corner cryin'... moaning, huggin' his nuts 'til the ambulance come.
Jęczał, trzymając się za jaja, póki karetka nie przyjechała.

woman in film moaning with pleasure.
kobieta w filmie jęczącym z przyjemnością.

Pete... the Standards lady is saying my moaning in Muffin Top is too graphic.
Pete! Taka jedna babka mówi, że moje stękanie w Górze bułeczki jest zbyt sztampowe.

Sergei, where are you? (Growling, moaning) (Coughing.
Siergiej, gdzie jesteś (Warczenie, jęki) (kaszel.

They looked mad... crying out, moaning...
Wyglądały na obłąkane... Krzycząc, zawodząc... Nie wiem, czy pan rozumie.

Mrs Dunn called again,... ..pissing and moaning Dr Horwood's run away with her child.
Pani Dunn znów dzwoniła... ...zdenerwowana twierdząc, że Dr Horwood uciekła gdzieś z jej córką.

My question is simple and it is addressed to the Heads of State and Government: instead of moaning, what are the governments of the Union waiting for before they act?
Moje pytanie jest proste i skierowane do Głów Państw i Rządów: zamiast lamentować, na co czekają rządy krajów Unii zanim podejmą jakiekolwiek działania?