Nowoczesny słownik angielsko-polski


ECTACO słownik angielsko-polski Słowniki elektroniczne Ectaco do nabycia u wydawcy


Praktyczny słownik religijny angielsko-polski 2005, Krzysztof Czekierda

adj. poruszony

Otwarty słownik angielsko-polski V.9.2007, Copyright (c) Jerzy Kazojć - 2007 r.




Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

Pause for breath, slip to the loo and by the time you got back to the action, the action had moved on so far you struggled to catch up. One minute England's Lee Westwood was cruising along five shots in the lead, his destiny beckoning as well as a Green Jacket and just half an hour later he was a shot behind Phil Mickelson after suffering a sloppy bogey at the 12th hole in the heart of Amen Corner.
But the picture was not the only obstacle on Almon-Kok's road of reckoning. "People kept saying: 'She's in paradise, a better place', and I said 'NO, she should be here with me'. Others asked: 'Why were you a single mother? Who's the father?'" There was even "a weirdo in California who became obsessed with Baylee, sent letters to her grave and moved to Oklahoma to be 'near her'. He knew where we lived". The family took a court injunction to ban the grave-stalker from the state of Oklahoma. Aren Almon was lucky to meet a fine man in Stan Kok, who says of these supplementary tribulations: "I've got to the point when nothing surprises me any more, and that's a sad world, when nothing surprises you."
"Roman first shouted at me when I was doing the weeping shagging scene, which is always a nightmare combination, and he came at me when I was naked in the bed, shouting,' No, no, no', head in his hands. It can be unnerving. And then he just moved the pillow. About three inches. In his shots, it can be as much about the vase as the acting. It was for all of us I think a hard but rewarding experience, to be looked back on with smiles. And for me, always hoping to look for an interesting roleâ?? at my age, to be able to say something other than, 'Dinner's ready, honey' was an absolute gift."
"Pull out his eyes, apologise; apologise, pull out his eyes". The old, taunting rhyme bounced in my head as I looked into the eyes of an Afghan woman lying limp and frightened on a hospital bed down the valley in Kunar's capital. Attached to her was a nursing child. The bomb had landed on her house, killing her husband. Her eyes moved behind me, seemed to tour the room; then, seeing no salvation, they lost focus. There were other wounded women in the beds. One had lost her husband a year ago in a feud, and now her teenage son had been killed in the bombing. She was asking the doctor, me, anyone who'd listen, "Who will take care of me?" The doctor translated for them and then pursued me down the hall, urging me to tell the Americans to please stop bombing their villages. "It's too much, it's too much," he said. He was young, with a creased, tired face and was craning his head to catch up with me. "Please tell them," he said. "They might listen to you. They won't listen to us."
"Then I told the prime minister that if you moved from one millimetre from the that conclusion you were into the area of manslaughter, if not murder," he said.
The government moved to quell suggestions of indifference to the BP oil disaster today when both David Cameron and the chancellor, George Osborne, spoke to BP's chairman, Carl-Henric Svanberg, urging all sides to find a constructive solution to the environmental crisis.
At the hotel I was sharing with Jeff, the kind of fella that would go out with a fiver in his pocket, get pissed, buy no one a drink, and come back with a tenner. First day in the sun I lay on the beach, surrounded by half-naked girls, believing that we were "the nuts". I drifted off. My friends, knowing I was quite obviously burning, thought it funny to let me sleep. I awoke feeling a little sore. The moment my so-called mates fell about laughing is when I removed the round mirrored sunglasses I had been wearing as they had left two clear white rings around my eyes!
I wasn't worried about the disease â?? I knew what the treatment would do to him. After all, I'd been there. So we ended up living between our two homes. Cancer had brought us together in the first place, now it seemed to be driving our relationship forward. I'm not sure we would have moved in together as quickly if Neil hadn't fallen ill again; it certainly speeded things up. Neil recovered and we stayed together â?? that should have been our happy ending.
The starkness and magnitude of Finkel's material demand an unerring control of tone. Even at its most matter of fact, his prose finds a hypnotic calm in the repetition of exposure to extreme danger: "Eyes sweeping, jammers jamming, the convoy moved along route Pluto . . ." At times there is an eerie, damaged lyricism: "Hours later, as the sun set, the sky took on its nightly ominous feel. The moon, not quite full, rose dented and misshapen, and the aerostat, a grey shadow now rather than the bright white balloon it had been in daylight, loomed over a landscape of empty streets and buildings surrounded by sandbags and tall concrete blast walls." One of these details acquires hideous poignancy later when a soldier is shot in the head; he survives but his head assumes the "dented and misshapen" aspect of the moon.
It's funny how her characters seem so removed from the world in which she grew up. Sir Peter Hall, her father, is the theatre director who started the Royal Shakespeare Company, her mother the opera soprano Maria Ewing. By the time she was five, they had separated. Back then, her father was always getting married and divorced, and it was time to move on to wife number four; Ewing became, and remained, a single mother.

But we moved to the next county and she got better.
Ale przenieśliśmy się do sąsiedniego hrabstwa i poczuła się lepiej.

The guy might have moved down here, be a local by now.
Facet mógł się tu przeprowadzić i teraz już jest miejscowym.

Didn't I tell you to get moved out of here?
Nie kazałem ci się stąd wynieść?

Just something to remember me by once I've moved on.
To tylko, żebyście mnie pamiętali jak już z wami skończę.

I can see a woman and her son, they just moved in.
Widzę kobietę i jej syna, właśnie się wprowadzili.

And the people who moved out like eight months ago, they just left.
I ludzie , którzy wyprowadzili się jak osiem miesięcy temu, oni właśnie zostawili .

When they died, I moved down here to look after you.
Kiedy zmarli, przeniosłem się tutaj, żeby się tobą zająć.

We have a young man who just moved here from out of state.
Mamy młodego faceta, który właśnie przeprowadził się z innego stanu.

Maybe we should be looking at people who moved away.
Może powinniśmy szukać ludzi, którzy się wyprowadzili.

My husband is out of town, and we moved in recently.
Mój mąż jest poza miastem, a wprowadziliśmy się niedawno.

I tried to get to them, but the fire moved.
Próbowałem się tam dostać. Ale ogień się przemieścił.

Moved around since i was 4, after my parents died.
Przeprowadzaliśmy się odkąd skończyłam 4 lata, po śmierci moich rodziców.

However, the world has moved on and we need a public debate.
Jednakże świat poszedł naprzód, a my potrzebujemy debaty publicznej.

However, we only moved forward; it is not the end of the story.
Ale to jedynie krok, to jeszcze nie meta.

I even went to your store, but you had moved.
Byłam w twoim sklepie, ale się wyniosłeś.

I wanted the opportunity to continue, but you moved away.
Chciałem ci dać możliwość rozwijania, ale ty odtrąciłeś ją.

When I moved, to change the company lost my stuff.
Kiedy się przeprowadzałam firma dostawcza zgubiła moje rzeczy.

That last day in class no one seemed very moved.
Ostatniego dnia w klasie nie wydawało mi się żebyście byli bardzo poruszeni.

It's time you moved out of here for a while.
Pora, żebyś wyniósł się stąd na jakiś czas.

Did he tell you what happened to them after the island moved?
Powiedział ci, co się z nimi stało po przesunięciu wyspy?

He told me that you had moved on, and so should I.
Powiedział mi, że ty ruszyłaś na przód i ja też powinienem.

She's moved house several times and I've always followed her.
Przeprowadzała się kilka razy, a ja zawsze podążałem za nią.

Have you talked to your parents since they moved away?
Rozmawiałaś z rodzicami od ich przeprowadzki? Nie.

Yeah, but it seemed like something moved on its own.
Tak, ale tak jakby to coś samo się poruszyło.

I knew all about him the first week they moved here five years ago.
Wiedziałam o nim wszystko, jak się tu tylko przeprowadzili pięć lat temu.

I just moved here, so I'm still kind of getting to know the place.
Właśnie się tu przeniosłam, więc tak jakby nadal poznaję to miejsce.

I found her address, but she moved away and nothing more.
Znalazłem jej adres, ale wyprowadziła się i nie wiadomo gdzie.

But the fact is that he has moved far beyond your world.
Ale w rzeczywistości on już odszedł daleko od twojego świata

You moved around a lot when Mark was growing up?
Czy często się przeprowadzaliście, gdy Mark dorastał?

And no matter where we moved to, I was in it.
I byłem w nim, gdziekolwiek się nie znaleźliśmy.

It would have been, but my parents just moved here.
Moi rodzice dopiero tu się sprowadzili.

Ever since you moved in with us, you've been so mean to everybody!
Od kiedy jesteś z nami, stałeś się taki podły dla wszystkich!

Think of the days before we moved into this house.
Pomyśl o tym, co było przed naszym przybyciem do tego domu.

I only moved to because my wife took a job there.
Przeniosłem się do Los Angeles, bo moja żona dostała tu pracę.

So we've moved on from I'm working too much to something else.
Więc zmieniliśmy temat z tego, że pracuję za dużo na coś innego.

They all moved in together and lived as one big happy family.
Wszyscy zamieszkali razem i żyli jak wielka szczęśliwa rodzina...

We moved out here, that is exactly what you gave me.
Wyprowadziliśmy się tutaj, to jest właśnie to co mi dałeś.

But now that you've moved out, I think you have a right to know.
Ale teraz gdy sobie z tym poradziłeś, myślę, że masz prawo wiedzieć.

A woman will always be moved to protect her child.
Kobieta zawsze będzie chronić swoje dziecko.

My father moved here when I was a little kid.
Mam tu ojca i brata. Mieszkałem tu z ojcem, gdy byłem mały.

I should never have moved. What's that got to do with you being here?
Nie powinnam się przejmować. co to ma wspólnego z tym że tu jesteś?

She's my girl friend, she just moved in with me.
Ona jest moją dziewczyną, właśnie się do mnie wprowadziła.

We both moved on, but I never stopped thinking about it.
Pogodziliśmy się z tym. Ale nigdy nie przestałem o tym myśleć.

You obviously moved here to be close to your daughter.
Przeniosłeś się tu, by być bliżej córki.

I got it from her when she moved to Florida.
Przeprowadziła się na Florydę i dała mi je.

I moved to the city and got a new apartment.
Przeprowadziłem się do tego miasta i kupiłem nowe mieszkanie.

She came with us 20 years ago, when we moved here from Atlanta.
Przyjechała tutaj z nami 20 lat temu, z Atlanty.

Look how many times I've moved and they've always found me.
Spójrz ile razy się przeprowadzałam, a oni zawsze mnie odnaleźli.

Yeah, but he hasn't really moved all his stuff in yet.
Tak ,ale jeszcze nie przeniósł wszystkich rzeczy. Po czterech tygodniach? Dziwne.

But my father was a minister, so I moved around a lot.
Tak, urodziłam się w Quebec, ale mój ojciec był pastorem i dużo podróżowaliśmy.