Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Noun) strzyżenie, koszenie, ścinanie;

ECTACO słownik angielsko-polski Słowniki elektroniczne Ectaco do nabycia u wydawcy



Otwarty słownik angielsko-polski V.9.2007, Copyright (c) Jerzy Kazojć - 2007 r.


Słownik środowiska angielsko-polski

koszenie n

Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

But his childhood experiences of racial discrimination left a lasting impression. When Jackson was six, his stepfather, who had fought for the Allies in the Second World War, was forced to take a part-time job mowing the lawn of a white German ?©migr?©. "I said: 'Dad, this guy talks funny,' and I turned around and saw that he was crying. It crushed me to see my father cry. He said: 'I went to fight the war â?? we were fighting him and now I'm cutting his grass,' and he was humiliated by it."
All have failed. Detroit is not being transformed by some massive top-down initiative, but by projects like the urban farm that has emerged on Linwood Street. It's a typical Detroit scene, with burnt-out shops, empty lots and houses, plus a few other buildings where residents are barely clinging on. It is busy with the roar of traffic, as well as the sound of a small John Deere tractor which is mowing the grass around a large plot of bare earth that has been prepared for planting. There are more bare fields on nearby lots. The smell of damp earth and fertiliser mingles with exhaust fumes. The Linwood Street urban farm is now in its fourth planting season, producing a bounty of corn, squash and potatoes for local residents to harvest, again for free. Developed by Urban Farming, which was founded by Detroit singer and former Prince prot?©g?© Taja Sevelle, the movement is dedicated to turning vacant land over to food production, providing a healthier diet to city people who either go hungry or have poor nutrition.

I see a lot of lawn mowing in your future.
Widzę dużo koszenia trawników w twojej przyszłości.

I'm getting a machine gun and mowing down your entire family.
Kupuję karabin maszynowy i zamierzam wyciąć w pień całą twoją rodzinę.

He was mowing a lawn in my neighborhood.
Kosił trawnik w moim sąsiedztwie.

I'm trying to picture you mowing a lawn.
Staram się wyobrazić sobie ciebie, jak kosisz trawę.

This will be our little secret... or it's free lawn mowing for a year.
To będzie taka nasza mała tajemnica... i darmowe koszenie trawnika przez rok.

Why don't you start mowing more lawns?
Dlaczego nie zaczniesz kosić więcej trawników?

Chick's mowing McGee down; he doesn't even know it.
Laska taranuje McGee, a on nawet o tym nie wie.

I'm just mowing my lawn here.
Ja tylko kosze swój trawnik.

When I'm mowing, I don't ask myself why I'm here.
Kiedy koszę, nie zastanawiam się, czemu tutaj jestem.

Mowing your lawn in a Notre Dame sweatshirt doesn't make you Catholic.
Koszenie trawnika w bluzie ze zdjęciem katedry Notre Dame nie robi z ciebie katolika.