Nowoczesny słownik angielsko-polski


Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

iPhone4 is sold in the US, Europe and elsewhere, but it was assembled in China. As the world's center for the processing of IT products, China's environment is paying the price. Printed Circuit Board (PCB) and battery power production especially create heavy metal pollution and has particularly serious damage and consequences. To promote the development of a true shift to green business behavior, 34 environmental NGOs conducted research and found data on some heavily polluting suppliers to IT brands. Then they made communications on this issue with 29 IT brands including Apple. Now 50 days has passed and Apple, with all its high-profile environmental commitment, is one of the 8 companies who did not respond. At the conference, Mr. Jobs talked about the new features of the iPhone4 and its relatively low price, which has obviously become a competitive factor for this new phone. With its imagination and large sales, Apple has become the world's most valuable IT company. However people are starting to have doubts regarding Apple's silence on heavy metal pollution problems. Has Apple deliberately ignored its issues with environmental supply chain management in order to control costs and maintain price competitiveness? Of course as consumers we want cheap and good products, however if these production processes are exceeding wastewater discharge standards and even causing heavy metal pollution, they will cause long lasting damage to the ecological environment and public health. Today, even though we enjoy "cheap" IT products, tomorrow our children will have to pay a thousand times the cost to clean rivers, lakes, soil, the ocean and even their own bodies of heavy metals. Therefore Apple and other IT companies will have to pay for the consequences, as British Petroleum is doing today. If we do not agree on such a future, we can in a peaceful, rational and determined way express our expectations and demands to Apple and other companies to strengthen their control over heavy metal emissions. Apple Inc. has a responsibility to respond to our expectations, because they have always made a high-profile announcement of its green commitment. So when you purchase their products, you are also purchasing a commitment. Apple relies almost entirely on outsourcing, so if suppliers are left unchecked, and violate discharge rules and standards, the company also violates their commitment. Thus consumers have a right to request explanations to be made and corrective measures to be taken. There are already a number of successful cases of brand companies controlling suppliers' heavy metal pollution. One aspect is that China's environmental transparency has significantly improved. The pollution map database now contains over 60,000 corporate violation records from government sources. This allows brands to easily compare their list of suppliers with government issued non-compliant records. Currently GE, Nike, Wal-Mart, Esquel, Unilever, Mitsui Property and others have already started to use the database to track the performance of their suppliers in China. Through regular screening, more than one hundred companies with violation records have felt pressure over the past months and they have publicly disclosed their problems and corrective measures. As noted above, currently Samsung, HP, Panasonic, Toshiba and other IT companies have made attempts to use public enforcement records for monitoring and managing their supply chain. But the lion's share of IT brands is still taking a wait-and-see attitude. Perhaps they are waiting for the final signal, that is, a clear-cut message from the consumers. For the ecological environment and public health, and to leave our children with safe and inhabitable land, please raise your voice!
Vaccine scares are nothing new. When Edward Jenner first pioneered the use of the mild disease cow pox to innoculate against the deadly small pox in the 18th century, satirists drew cartoons of vaccinated patients sprouting cow's heads. Now, it seems, every country in the developed world has their own type of scare. In France, protesters claim that the hepatitis B vaccines cause multiple sclerosis, in the US, that the vaccine's mercury additives are responsible for the rise in autism. In the UK, there was a furore over whooping cough and then, famously, MMR. All have been exposed as groundless fears, yet anti-vaccine feeling continues to reverberate on the the internet. Now doctors warn that such rumours from the UK, Europe and the US are spilling over into the developing world, where they are threatening to derail global vaccination programmes. Terrifyingly, this means putting the lives of thousands of children at risk.
The Independent Directors of Liverpool Football Club are delighted with the verdict of Mr. Justice Floyd in the High Court this afternoon which now requires Mr. Hicks and Mr. Gillett to withdraw their Texas Restraining Order by 4pm tomorrow.

Mr. Fish said you might want to talk to me.
Pan Fish mówił, że będziesz chciał z nim rozmawiać.

Mr President, we have known each other for 30 years.
Panie przewodniczący! Znamy się od trzydziestu lat.

Mr President, thank you for these important points of view.
Panie przewodniczący! Dziękuję za przedstawienie tych ważnych punktów widzenia.

Mr. your son may have seen something that could help us.
Panie Partney, pana syn mógł widzieć coś, co może nam pomóc.

Mr President, my situation at this moment is most difficult.
Panie prezydencie, jestem w bardzo trudnej sytuacji.

Mr. Public, have you had any experience working in an office before?
Panie Public, czy ma pan jakieś doświadczenie w pracy biurowej?

Mr President, thank you again for giving me the floor.
Panie przewodniczący! Raz jeszcze dziękuję za udzielenie mi głosu.

Mr President, let us get straight to the point here.
Panie przewodniczący! Przejdźmy od razu do tematu.

Mr President, let us try and learn from this situation.
Panie przewodniczący! Spróbujmy z tej sytuacji wyciągnąć wnioski.

Mr President, good evening to each and every one of you.
Dobry wieczór, panie przewodniczący! Dobry wieczór państwu!

Mr President, violence against women is not a private issue.
Panie Przewodniczący! Przemoc wobec kobiet to nie prywatny problem.

Mr President, on a point of order, it most certainly is not the same.
Panie przewodniczący! W sprawie porządku dziennego, pytania te z pewnością nie są takie same.

Mr President, the problem is quite simply that we will not have the time.
Panie przewodniczący! Problem polega po prostu na tym, że nie starczy nam czasu.

Mr President, it is nice to be first on anyone's list these days.
Panie przewodniczący! W dzisiejszych czasach to miło być pierwszą na czyjejkolwiek liście.

Mr President, everyone wants energy security, so why do we not have it?
Panie przewodniczący! Skoro każdemu zależy na bezpieczeństwie energetycznym, dlaczego go nie mamy?

You don't have the right to call me Mr. either.
Nie masz także prawa zwracać się do mnie per pan

Mr King has been in charge up here for some time.
Pan King jest tu menedżerem od dłuższego czasu.

Mr. George, how do you meet all these beautiful women?
Panie George, jak pan poznaje te piękne kobiety?

Mr. President, we don't even know what these things are made of.
Panie prezydencie, nawet nie wiemy, z czego oni są zrobieni.

Mr President, there was only one right choice to make and you made it.
Panie prezydencie, było tylko jedno wyjście i pan podjął właściwą decyzję.

Mr. President, we were able to date the photo to three days ago.
Panie Prezydencie, datujemy to zdjęcie na trzy dni temu.

Mr Price, can we talk about the note that you left on my car?
Panie Price czy możemy porozmawiać o wiadomości, która mi pan zostawił?

Mr President, religious freedom is a natural human right for each and every person.
Panie przewodniczący! Wolność wyznania jest naturalnym prawem każdego człowieka.

Mr President, sorry, could you tell me which subject we are on now?
Panie Przewodniczący! Przepraszam, ale czy mógłby mi Pan powiedzieć, który temat omawiamy w tej chwili?

Mr President, one way or another, there will be a vote.
Panie prezydencie, w ten czy inny sposób, głosowanie się odbędzie.

Mr. Roberts asked me to meet with you in his place.
Pan Roberts poprosił abym zamiast niego spotkał się z Panem.

Mr President, unfortunately my country is back in the news.
Panie przewodniczący! Niestety mój kraj znów trafia na pierwsze strony gazet.

Mr President, again, this place shows absolutely no knowledge of what goes on in the real world.
Panie Przewodniczący! Ten Parlament ponownie nie wykazuje najmniejszej znajomości realiów prawdziwego świata.

Mr. de Winter says please for you to come up to his room.
Pan de Winter prosi panią, aby przyszła do jego pokoju.

Mr. President, who is in control of your armed forces?
Panie prezydencie, kto kontroluje wasze siły zbrojne?

Mr. He, we have always had great respect for you.
Witam panie He. Mam do pana wielki szacunek.

Mr President, indeed, why are we women having fewer children?
sprawozdawczyni komisji opiniodawczej Komisji Praw Kobiet i Równouprawnienia. - (DE) Panie przewodniczący!

Mr President, thank you to those members who have spoken.
Panie przewodniczący!, dziękuję tym posłom, którzy zabrali głos.

Mr President, that should never have been allowed to happen, but it is not yet too late.
Panie Przewodniczący! Taka sytuacja nie powinna była mieć miejsca, ale nie jest jeszcze za późno.

Mr. Max is taking out the car to go to the city.
Pan Max poszedł po samochód, bo wybiera się do miasta.

I'll let it pass this time only because of you, Mr.
Tym razem puszczę to płazem tylko z pana powodu, panie

Mr. Green, in a day or so,one of two things will happen.
Panie Green, niedługo wydarzy się jedna z dwóch rzeczy.

Mr President, thank you for this opportunity to explain my vote.
Panie przewodniczący! Dziękuję za umożliwienie mi złożenia wyjaśnienia dotyczącego głosowania.

Mr President, we talk a great deal here about protecting children.
Panie przewodniczący! Dużo mówimy o ochronie dzieci.

Mr President, let me place the matter at issue in a larger political perspective.
Panie przewodniczący! Pozwolę sobie przedstawić omawianą kwestię w szerszym kontekście politycznym.

Mr President, our request is based on a very clear fact known to everyone.
Panie przewodniczący! Nasza prośba wynika z wyraźnego zaistnienia faktu, o którym wiedzą wszyscy.

Mr President, put the numbers on the screen so that we can all see them.
Panie przewodniczący! Proszę wyświetlić liczby na ekranie, tak byśmy wszyscy mogli je zobaczyć.

Mr President, a long procedure has now come to an end, which is good news.
Panie Przewodniczący! Wreszcie zakończyła się długa procedura - to dobra wiadomość.

Mr Black, a man has enemies, no matter if he wants them.
Panie Black, człowiek ma wrogów, czy tego chce czy nie chce.

Mr. Green, is this what you want me to do?
Panie Green, czy tego pan ode mnie chce?

Mr. President, the time has come to give in to our demands.
Panie prezydencie, już czas na spełnienie naszych żądań.

Mr Vincent, could we talk to you for a moment?
Panie Vincent, możemy chwilę porozmawiać?

Mr. White, tell me what you don't like about yourself.
Panie White, prosze powiedzieć co się panu w sobie nie podoba.

Mr. Deer did such a nice job with this house.
Pan Deer wykonał wspaniała robotę przy tym domu.

Mr. Garcia would like to see you in his office.
Pan Garcia chce cię widzieć w swoim biurze.