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Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

Next weekend Benedict visits Malta, itself shaken after botched handling of abuse claims. It was reported this month that 45 priests had been accused of sexual offences since the creation of a church response team in 1999. None of the cases has been referred to the police â?? the retired judge who heads the project said that was the responsibility of victims and parents. The island, which has a population of 400,000, is 98% Catholic and abortion and divorce are banned.
Wilson's job quickly changed to that of counselor and chaplain, and has not changed since. "I'm treating guys now, 15 years on, who've been treading water all that time and it suddenly hits. They were working for eight hours through rubble to reach a victim who has died. And if you do that, you personalise them on the way. You find their crucifix, their purse, pictures of their children, personal items. You are spending time with that dead person. You're saying: 'I must rescue the kids, but please don't let me be the one to find them.' You're finding body parts, and what we are saying is you have to think of it as reconstitution of a person, you're scraping body matter, but you're not a ditch digger. We tell them they have done the best they can to restore as much of that person back to their family as was possible."
Unforgivably, after too short a conversation covering everything else from US healthcare to the nuances of Chinatown, I find myself asking a breathtakingly embarrassing final question, just because I love his films. What was it like, then? Working with Bruce?
All this over a block of wood! My memo went on to quote Fidler's colleague, Peggy Bair: "We're working on the technology of the panel: things like size, battery life, screen resolution and two-way wireless communications. We think it may be achievable around the beginning of 1996. We accept it may be 20 years before as many people subscribe to an electronic news service as they do to other forms. Already, 60% of newspaper costs are in manufacture and delivery."
Families of those killed in the massacre 38 years ago have focused on a number of soldiers who were identified and gave evidence during the 12 year old tribunal. These include "Soldier F" who, according to the relatives of the Bloody Sunday dead, shot four to six of the victims. Told during the inquiry that his evidence amounted to perjury, he did not demur.
Some papers are reporting the supposed threat to British pension funds from the BP crisis in lurid terms. "Barack Obama is killing our pensions," the Daily Express says. But Joanne Segars, the chief executive of the National Association of Pension Funds, was on the Radio 4 Today programme this morning talking some sense on the subject.
"We were helping her troubleshoot her engine that she was trying to start to charge her systems. Satellite phone reception was patchy. She was able to get the water out of the engine and start up. We were waiting to hear back from her when American search and rescue authorities called to report having received a signal from her emergency beacon," they said. "We are working closely with American, French and Australian search and rescue authorities to coordinate several ships in the area to divert to her location."
11.28am: There's a semi-amusing exchange with a photographer. Maradona tells him he was in make-up for 14 hours but the photographer still makes him ugly in his pictures. He is then asked about how being a manager compares to being a coach. "I was much more nervous when I was a player," he insists. "I had sweaty palms. I was wondering how I would play. I live just as intensely today but I am not as nervous. I firmly believe in my 23 players. I will live and die with these 23 players. I know what people back home are thinking and tomorrow I believe we will start building a dream ... a dream that hasn't come true for quite some time."
Where local scenes were built on bands who had honed their skills in the clubs of their hometown before the wider world even knew of their existence, bedroom musicians are now finding success through the internet before they've even stepped outside their front door â?? presenting them with new problems. Tickley Feather is the moniker of Annie Sachs from Virginia, who signed to Animal Collective's label, Paw Tracks, almost before she'd played a gig. Though Sachs had built up a strong following online, she struggled to translate her dense, multitracked music to a live setting. "In some ways I don't mind taking the risk to try and translate this really personal, sometimes embarrassing thing live, but sometimes I feel like it's a kind of peep show," she says. "I'm not even sure if [playing live] is the best idea, but I appreciate the struggle of trying to figure out how to do it."
How can she celebrate tracking someone down and forcing sterilisation on her? "I'm proud of it," she beams. "That woman has no right to have her 14th baby. I guarantee that anybody who cares about kids would do the same thing."

Ms. Park, a woman was murdered and we are trying to figure out why.
Pani Park, kobieta została zamordowana i staramy się ustalić, dlaczego.

Ms. Davis, all parents think that about their children, and they're usually wrong.
Pani Davis, wszyscy rodzice myślą tak o swoich dzieciach. I zwykle się mylą.

Ms. Peters, it is so nice to finally meet you.
Pani Peters, jak miło w końcu panią spotkać.

Ms. Riley, why believe it was named for this project?
Dobrze. Panno Riley, jak pani sądzi, dlaczego wybrano panią do tego projektu ?

You have mentioned the three Ms: money, mobility and market access.
Wspomniała Pani o "trzech M”: pieniądzach, mobilności i dostępie do rynku.

Ms. Greene wants to establish some ground rules before she comes out.
Panna Greene chce ustalić pewne zasady zanim wyjdzie.

While declining ms Beth then think about what you saw today.
Miło cię poznać, panno Beth. Pomyśl o tym, co zobaczyłaś dzisiaj.

Ms Lin, thanks for your help in closing this deal.
Pani Lin, dzięki za pomoc w sfinalizowaniu tego interesu.

Ms. Randall, why didn't you turn this over years ago?
Pani Randall, czemu nie przyniosła pani tego 15 lat temu?

Hi, there is enough space here for a beaver ms.
Hej, Nasz licznik jest sto dla jednego bobra.

Ms. Westchester, how long have the two of you been married?
Pani Westchester, jak długo jesteście państwo małżeństwem?

Ms. David will be with us for a while.
Panna David będzie z nami jakiś czas.

Would you like to change your story now, Ms. Price?
Chciałaby pani zmienić teraz swoją opowieść, panno Price?

Ms. Hilton is currently in possession of the only 88s.
Pan Hilton jest obecnie w posiadaniu jedynej 88.

Ms Grabowska also asked, who is going to represent them?
Pani poseł Grabowska zapytała także, kto ich będzie reprezentował?

Ms. Mansi, today you were going to give me the cheque.
Ms. Mansi, dzisiaj miała pani dać mi resztę pieniędzy

Ms. Crane, what's the process for one making a resignation?
Pani Crane, jak mogę złożyć rezygnację z pracy?

Ms. Swan, two people with a common goal can accomplish many things.
Pani Swan, dwie osoby, mające wspólny cel, mogą wiele osiągnąć.

Ms. Meyers tried to take possession of her husband's body.
Pani Meyers próbowała ukryć coś na ciele jej męża.

Ms. Riley, if you could not watch it, no use for m.
Panno Riley, jeśli nie może pani obserwować, na nic nam się pani nie przyda.

Ms. Teller, when family members suffer a loss, it can be very difficult.
Panno Teller, gdy rodzina przeżywa stratę może to być bardzo trudne.

Ms. Beckett, do you know how to design an airplane?
Pani Beckett, wie pani jak się projektuje samoloty?

Ms. Black, you still have not answered my question.
Pani Black, nie odpowiedziała pani na moje pytanie.

Ms. Mabika, tell me what you don't like about yourself.
Pani Mabika, czego pani w sobie nie lubi?

Ms. Campbell, how have you felt about being pretty?
Panno Campbell, jak pani się czuje będę taką ładną?

Ms. Babcock, nothing that happens in a doctor's office is personal.
Panno Babcock, nic co stało się w kilinice nie było osobiste.

I would also like to thank Ms Gill for the report.
Pragnę również podziękować pani poseł Gill za sprawozdanie.

Ms Lulling, thank you for your attention to the detail of this measure.
Pani poseł Lulling! Dziękuję, że zwróciła pani uwagę na szczegółowy aspekt tego środka.

Is this another attempt to get me to take ms. Torres under my wing?
Czy to kolejna próba mająca na celu wzięcie pod skrzydła pani Torres?

Ms Agent, for the first time you are not in the fully wtajemniczona.
Pani Agent, po raz pierwszy jest pani w nie w pełni wtajemniczona.

Ms Bauer, we're taking you and your son back to
Pani Bauer, zabieramy panią i pani syna do

Ms. Lynch was there the day my mother passed.
Pani Lynch tam była w dniu, w którym zmarła moja matka.

Ms. Olsen, we have evidence linking her to a murder.
Pani Olsen. Mamy dowód, który łączy ją z zabójstwem.

Ms. Somers has recently completed a book about the murder of her own daughter.
Pani Somers niedawno zakończyła swoją książkę opowiadającą o morderstwie jej córki.

Ms. Sciuto, just proceed as if this were any other case.
Panno Sciuto, proszę postępować, jakby to była każda inna sprawa.

We also wanted to ask you about your relationship with Ms. Conrad.
Chcemy także zapytać o twój związek a panną Conrad.

Ms. Miho, it's time for the show what are you doing?
Pani Miho, czas na pokaz. Co pani robi?

Ms. Peterman, where were you last night between 10:00 and 1:00?
Pani Peterman, gdzie była pani zeszłej nocy pomiędzy 22:00 a 1:00?

Ms. Stupaine, what's with all the base on your eye?
Pani Stupaine, co to za podkład pod pani okiem?

Ms. Willows lied about being at a crime scene, among other things.
Pani Willows kłamała na temat przebywania na miejscu przestępstwa, razem z wieloma innymi rzeczami.

This debate on Ms Hall's report has clearly shown that we need to move more quickly.
Niniejsza debata na temat sprawozdania pani Hall jasno pokazała, że trzeba działać szybciej.

Ms Connor, we know you know who this guy is.
Panno Connor, wiemy, że pani wie kim jest ten facet.

Precious was born around the same time Ms. West's son got killed.
Precious się urodziła mniej więcej wtedy, kiedy zabili syna pani Zussu.

I was just telling Ms. Waters that we don't have any evidence here.
Właśnie mówiłem pannie Waters, że nie mamy tu żadnych dowodów.

Ms. Hewes regularly brought my client's daughter to the office.
Pani Hewes regularnie przyprowadzala córke mojego klienta do biura.

Ms. Morris during the divorce, was there a custody battle?
Pani Morris... podczas rozwodu, kto wygrał opiekę nad dziećmi?

Ms. Madison is going to show your essay tonight.
Pani Madison pokaże dziś na antenie twój esej.

Did you have an affair with Ms. Cooper in 2001?
Nie. Czy miał pan romans z panią Cooper w 2001 roku?

Ms. Crowley is preoccupied with a more pressing matter at the moment.
Pani Crowley jest w tej chwili zajęta znacznie ważniejszymi sprawami.

Ms Jensen's excellent report incorporates much of what my committee proposed.
Doskonałe sprawozdanie pani poseł Jensen obejmuje wiele z tego, co proponowała moja komisja.