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(zob.) reave

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druga i trzecia forma czasownika reave

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Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

"Of course I am grieving," he said, anxious that Olmert and his cronies might dismiss his speech as the outpourings only of a bereft father.


And if you have a government that can't understand the importance of that, that doesn't have the spiritual aesthetic to arrive at that place, that is so morally bereft that it has to punish what it thinks is not useful, that is very disturbing.


Meanwhile the Democrats now have an opportunity, in a year that has largely been bereft of them, to make the Beltway politics chatter focus on the other side's problems, rather than their own.


They claim the French school system is leaving children bereft of creativity, flexibility of thought and - crucially - confidence in their own mental abilities.
