Wordnet polsko-angielski

1. (occurring or operating at the same time
"a series of coincident events")
coincident, coincidental, coinciding, concurrent, co-occurrent, cooccurring, simultaneous
synonim: jednoczesny
synonim: równoległy
synonim: równoczesny
synonim: paralelny
synonim: synchroniczny
synonim: współbieżny
synonim: izochroniczny

2. (occurring or existing at the same time or having the same period or phase
"recovery was synchronous with therapy"- Jour.A.M.A.
"a synchronous set of clocks"
"the synchronous action of a bird's wings in flight"
"synchronous oscillations")
synchronous, synchronal, synchronic: : synonim: jednoczesny
synonim: równoległy
synonim: równoczesny
synonim: paralelny
synonim: synchroniczny
synonim: współbieżny
synonim: izochroniczny

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