Słownik gospodarki wodno-ściekowej polsko-angielski

failure to comply
failure to meet
non- complying
~ warunków decyzji - failure to comply with decision conditions
~ warunków pozwolenia failure to meet permit conditions
~ wymagań/wymogów failure to comply with requirements, non- fulfilment of requirements

Słownik ochrony środowiska i gospodarki odpadami polsko - angielski 2003, Krzysztof Czekierda

non-complyingfailure to complyfailure to meet~ warunków non-complying conditions, failure to comply conditions~ warunków korzystania ze środowiska failure to comply with environmental c onditions~ warunków pozwolenia failure to meet permit conditions~ warunków zezwolenia failure to meet licence conditions~ wymogów non-compliance of requirements, non-complying requirements