Praktyczny słownik religijny angielsko-polski 2005, Krzysztof Czekierda

im. Benedykt

Słownik religii angielsko-polski

Benedykt m pr

Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

The Vatican is being urged to arrange meetings between victims of clerical sexual abuse and Pope Benedict XVI when he comes to the UK later this year.
McDaid told Associated Press he had left the chapel believing Benedict had grasped the scale of the problem and the pain caused by it. But two years of subsequent inaction by the church left him disillusioned. "Was it a PR move? Looking back at that now, I have to say it was. Everything they do is not about the children. It's about the church. It's always the church first," he said.
Next weekend Benedict visits Malta, itself shaken after botched handling of abuse claims. It was reported this month that 45 priests had been accused of sexual offences since the creation of a church response team in 1999. None of the cases has been referred to the police â?? the retired judge who heads the project said that was the responsibility of victims and parents. The island, which has a population of 400,000, is 98% Catholic and abortion and divorce are banned.
â?? Benedict Brogan in the Daily Telegraph says that Osborne has some similarities with Gordon Brown.
Benedict XVI will spend four days in September travelling through England and Scotland, fulfilling state and pastoral obligations. The Foreign Office will today reveal further details about the trip, which has already encountered difficulties with funding and hostility from campaigners, who plan to protest against the pope, and was the subject of an embarrassing gaffe by civil servants.
Pope Benedict is coming to England in the autumn to, among other things, preside over the beatification of Cardinal Newman, the first stage to sainthood. Disputes about Newman's sexuality and the alleged miracle on which his beatification depends have already generated controversy. So, another book I aim to read this summer is Newman's Unquiet Grave: The Reluctant Saint (Continuum), a timely biography by John Cornwell. He admires Newman, but seeks to save him from hagiography and to remind us that he was a great and independent Christian thinker â?? one of the first, for instance, to accept the idea of evolution â?? and a master of English prose.
The splendidly named 33-year-old actor Benedict Cumberbatch looks absolutely dreadful. He is known to have "interesting" features â?? sloe-eyed and snub-nosed, with a sort of startled-meerkat-meets-a-Magimix look about him â?? but today he is also pasty-faced, with bottle auburn hair and a nasty, shiny cream shirt. His suit looks one size too small for him. It's a wet February morning on the Cardiff set of Sherlock, the BBC's modern adaptation of Arthur Conan Doyle's classic. Cumberbatch, who plays Holmes, twists and shifts about in his chair. He sits on his hands. He does impromptu imitations and funny voices. His eyes jag from side to side. Mark Gatiss, who co-wrote the screenplay, says, "Oh, he's always like that. You should hear him in the car on the way back to the hotel in the evening. Does impressions of everyone. Hilarious."
Using hidden cameras, the weekly Panorama, owned by Italy's prime minister, Silvio Berlusconi, captured priests visiting gay clubs and bars and having sex. The Vatican does not condemn homosexuals, but it teaches that gay sex is "intrinsically disordered". In one of his earliest moves, pope Benedict barred actively gay men from studying for the priesthood.
Pope Benedict also sent a message of condolence.
Did anyone else notice the look on the face of a bloke in the crowd in the Trafalgar Square scene, a look that I think said "Bloody hell, it's Tim from The Office"? Well, Martin Freeman's not going to be Tim from The Office for much longer; he's going to be Watson â?? sorry, John â?? from Sherlock. And he and Benedict Cumberbatch, who are rapidly turning into The Fabulous Baker Street Boys, won't be able to walk through Trafalgar Square unmolested.

We'll just eat room service, watch movies and wait for Benedict to kill us.
Więc będziemy jeść, oglądać telewizję i czekać na Benedicta, aż nas pozabija.

Vince Benedict started it, we like to think by accident.
Wzniecił go Vince Benedict, mamy nadzieję, że przez przypadek.

Benedict, I have no idea what your talking about.
Benedict, nie mam pojęcia o czym ty mówisz.

Why do you imagine Benedict gave me the file?
Czemu Benedict dał mi tę teczkę?

Third favorite reason is you have insurance but your friend Eggs Benedict doesn't.
Trzecim normalnym powodem jest to, że ty jesteś ubezpieczony, ale twój przyjaciel nie jest.

Benedict is our finest journalist in Kigali, an expert on the subject.
Benedict jest najlepszym dziennikarzem w Kigali, i ekspertem w tym temacie.

My guess is Benedict knew he was ill.
Pewnie Benedict wiedział, że jest chory.

Before he died, Benedict gave you a file?
Przed śmiercią Benedict dał ci teczkę.

I went down to the Esso station at the bottom of Benedict.
Byłam na stacji Esso, zaraz przy Benedict.

Assuming Benedict gives us prime plus one, which I doubt.
Zakładając, że Benedict da nam zniżkę, w co wątpię.

Pope Benedict is entitled to his views as his own human right, whether or not others agree with them.
Prawem człowieka papieża Benedykta jest mieć własne zdanie, niezależnie od tego, czy inni się z nim zgadzają, czy nie.

That Benedict is a hard guy to crack.
Benedict to ciężki orzech do zgryzienia.

I'm Jordan Benedict, if that means anything to you.
Nazywam się Jordan Benedict, jeśli to ma dla ciebie jakieś znaczenie.

Don't get into Terry Benedict for too much money.
Nie bawiłbym się z Terrym Benedictem w zbyt duże pieniądze.

It's great that Pope Benedict canonized him when he did.
Cieszę się, że papież Benedykt go kanonizował.

The plane should arrive in Benedict around 1:30.
Samolot powinien przylecieć do Benedict o 13:30.

You know that thing Benedict Anderson says about identity ?
Wiesz co Benedict Anderson powiedział o tożsamości?

What could Benedict do to us then?
Co nam może wtedy zrobić Benedict?

I decided to tell Julius Benedict... the truth about himself.
Na 35-te urodziny... zdecydowałem się powiedzieć Julius'owi Benedict'owi... prawdę na jego temat.

Friends, we have gathered to pay our final respects to Benedict Talley.
Przyjaciele, zebraliśmy się tutaj, by oddać ostatni hołd Benedictowi Talley.

I read a really interesting chapter in my history book about Benedict Arnold,
Czytałem interesujący rozdział w mojej książce od historii o Benedykcie Arnoldzie.

Eggs Benedict, and half a bottle of champagne.
Jaja po benedyktyńsku i pół butelki szampana.

I want youto take Mrs. Benedict back in with you.
Zaczekaj chwilę, chcę żebyś wziął ze sobą panią Benedict.

Benedict, if you harm a hair on her head...
Benedict, jeśli włos jej spadnie z głowy...

Benedict likes to know what's going on.
O biznesie. Benedict lubi być na bieżąco.

Respectfully, Benedict, the devil himself wants this child.
Z całym szacunkiem, sam diabeł chce tego dzieciaka.

Benedict won't be with us very much longer...
Benedict nie będzie już z nami zbyt długo...

Benedict said we can keep them?
I Benedict powiedział, że możemy je sobie wziąć?

Mr. Benedict would like to see you.
Pan Benedict chce się z panem zobaczyć.

Benedict's here, too, and he's got the ticket.
Benedict też tu jest. Ma bilet.

Did my daughter Luz Benedict come in yet?
Czy moja córka Luz Benedict już przyszła?

My place is at Benedict's side.
Moje miejsce jest przy Benedykcie.

Mr. Benedict, please. I have never enjoyed the touch of steel to my skin.
Panie Benedict, proszę... nie lubię czuć dotyku stali.

Benedict used to be Jazz's assistant, but, uh, now Jazz does it solo.
Benedict bywał asystentem Jazza, ale teraz Jazz występuje sam.

Benedict has got him in jail.
Benedykt wtrącił go do więzienia.

And if you're dissatisfied with that, I suggest you speak to Monsignor Benedict.
I jeśli ci się to nie podoba, proponuję porozmawiać z Monsignorem Benedictem.

I wouldn't get in to Terry Benedict,- -for too much money.
Nie bawiłbym się z Terrym Benedictem w zbyt duże pieniądze.

Benedict's money goes in the vault.
Forsa Benedicta ma iść do skarbca.

You're gonna have to write to the Benedict Foundation stating your business.
Musicie napisać o waszym interesie do Fundacji Benedict.

million dollars, assuming that Benedict gives the best interest us, which I doubt.
Zakładając, że Benedict da nam zniżkę, w co wątpię.

Could Benedict use it again?
Może znów go użył?

How many acres did you say, Mr. Benedict?
Ile hektarów pan powiedział, panie Benedict?

And have Benedict on standby with my Humvee.
I miej Benedicta na oparciu z moim Humvee.

You've got over 200 outstanding parking tickets, Mr. Benedict.
Ma pan ponad 200 niesamowitych mandatów, panie Benedict.

Mrs. Benedict, what is it I can do?
Pani Benedict, co mogę da pani zrobić?

Ladies and gentlemen, I think Benedict cooked himself tonight. Where is..
Pań i panów, myślę, że Benedict ugotował siebie dziś wieczorem.

Annie, say something. I don't speak to Benedict Arnolds.
Anna, powiedz coś. których nie rozmawiam z Benedictem ArnoIds.

Now, where do I find this very special person, Mr. Vince Benedict?
Gdzie mogę znaleźć tę szczególną osobę... pana Vince'a Benedict'a?

Eggs benedict, easy yoke, steamed asparagus, fresh fruit, orange juice, no pulp.
Jajka ala Benedict, luźne żółtko. Gotowane szparagi, świeże owoce. Czysty sok pomarańczowy.

Look. Mary Ann Benedict never understood... why people wanted to buy her paintings.
Mary Ann Benedict nigdy nie rozumiała... dlaczego ludzie chcą kupować jej obrazy.