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Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

"Our priority will be to tackle drink and drug-driving in the most effective way possible to protect law-abiding road users."
It is a confusing situation to understand. Abdi is not here illegally, since he is going through all the correct legal hoops, registering his presence with the Home Office every month, and until he gets served a removal notice he is not breaking the law by staying. He is at pains to do everything correctly, abiding by the stipulation not to work, determined not to break the law, even if that means surviving in a gutter on ad hoc charity handouts.
It is a confusing situation to understand. Abdi is not here illegally, since he is going through all the correct legal hoops, registering his presence with the Home Office every month, and until he gets served a removal notice he is not breaking the law by staying. He is at pains to do everything correctly, abiding by the stipulation not to work, determined not to break the law, even if that means surviving in a gutter on ad hoc charity handouts.
And yet despite Jackson's heroic attempts to make the world a more egalitarian place, over the years his firebrand rhetoric and headline-grabbing antics have mired much of his story in controversy. His critics claim he is an opportunist, flinging himself before the cameras whenever a new racial crisis springs up. They point to his penchant for dubious theatrics, such as his turning up to be interviewed in a TV studio the day after Martin Luther King's assassination in 1968 wearing a turtleneck stained with the dead man's blood. Then there are his ill-judged public outbursts: two years ago he criticised Barack Obama, then running for president, when he thought a TV microphone was turned off. He claimed he wanted to cut Obama's "nuts off" for "talking down to black people" and "telling niggers how to behave". He subsequently apologised and insists he remains a fervent Obama supporter â?? in fact, one of the abiding images of election night is of Jackson standing among the crowds in Chicago's Grant Park with tears streaming down his face.
Larkin25 acknowledges this "abundance of caring" (Updike again) that Larkin's work arouses in his admirers. But it might mark the beginning of a reassessment of Larkin the man, too. Beyond noting that his private utterances were in marked contrast to his public behaviour, which was ever polite, Larkin's racism is uncomfortable and indefensible, even when you put it in the context of his times. The charges of misogyny, though, are about to start looking a whole lot more flimsy. In the autumn, Faber will publish Larkin's correspondence to Monica Jones, a selection of the surviving 7,500 pages of letters and cards he wrote to her between 1946, when they first met, and 1985, the year of his death. (Monica lived in Leicester, where she taught English at the university; she only began sharing Larkin's home shortly before he died.) These letters, discovered after her death, are highly personal and, being so great in number, they chronicle Larkin's feelings more intimately than anything we have read before. Like the Selected Letters, they catch his wit, and his abiding sadness. But they also reveal Larkin's deep love and admiration for a woman who was clever, eccentric, loud, unusual, flamboyant, opinionated and strong. In my experience, misogynists tend not to go a bundle for women with minds of their own.
Kealey put it on the map, recruiting a gallery of academic mavericks and eccentrics. They included Chris Woodhead, the head of Ofsted who earned the abiding hatred of teachers; Bruce Charlton, a psychiatrist who said working-class students have significantly lower IQs than their middle-class peers and so you can't expect top universities to admit them; and Anthony Glees, a security specialist, who proposes that universities ban faith societies and governments consider internment for Islamic extremists. Most recruits have less dramatic views, but a remarkably high proportion get quoted and published in newspapers, and don't mind upsetting conventional opinion.
Acoustic deterrence was, until recently, used only to repel rats, mice and cockroaches. But thanks to an invention by the former British Aerospace engineer Howard Stapleton it is now just as effective at discouraging human vermin. The Mosquito youth dispersal device, manufactured by Compound Security Systems, produces a loud, high-pitched whine that can be heard strongly only by children and teenagers, and not at all by people over 25. It allows councils to keep children out of public places, making them safe for law-abiding citizens. It enables shopkeepers to determine who should and should not be permitted to use the streets. It ensures that society is not subjected, among other intrusions, to the unpleasant and distressing noises that youths are inclined to make.
This firm but fair treatment programme will consolidate the policies introduced in a piecemeal and incoherent fashion by the last government, reverse the disastrous social experiment of the past 100 years that unleashed the youthwave on to our streets, and make devices such as the Mosquito redundant, useful as they are in the current legislative vacuum. It will ensure that the youth class ceases to blight the lives of law-abiding owners of property.
F??bregas was fabulous last season; the abiding image is of him cracking home a Champions League penalty with a broken leg, coincidentally against Barcelona, and if he can summon up similar levels this season Arsenal will again make it to April in contention for the most meaningful prizes. If Robin van Persie can also stay fit, the club's supporters might be able to dream. The loss of the striker for five months to ankle ligament damage last season was devastating.
The road safety minister, Mike Penning, said: "This equipment will make it easier for the police to prosecute the irresponsible minority who put the lives of the law-abiding majority at risk.

That or they're biding their time, waiting for the right moment to attack.
Tak albo zyskują na czasie. Czekają na właściwy moment by zaatakować.

There was a ... force inside him biding its time.
Przez ten cały czas zbierała się w nim siła.

Maybe I'm just biding my time.
Może po prostu czekam stosownej chwili.