Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Noun) geografia Birmingham;

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Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

Across Birmingham in West Bromwich, car-parts maker Metal Assemblies is another business seeking to expand with innovation. Metal-bashing has been left behind for a plant run largely by Japanese robots and skilled engineers. But not all neighbouring businesses on the Black Country industrial estate have caught up with the times, says its chairman Stuart Fell.
British serviceman from 40 Commando dies in Birmingham hospital after weekend gun battle during foot patrol in Helmand
Although Birmingham has a large number of destitute asylum seekers they are not very visible. They do not sit at train stations or by cashpoints; instead they linger in the shadows, afraid of attracting attention from officials.
Existing without any money naturally causes logistical problems. Tomorrow he has to travel to Solihull on the outskirts of Birmingham for his monthly registration with the Home Office, and the bus fare will cost Â?3.50. He visits Morrison's to see if he can get change from his vouchers, but he knows from previous visits that the cashiers are not very well disposed to asylum seekers, and will only give change if at least half the value of the voucher is spent. It seems a trifling point, but since the change from the Morrison's voucher represents the only coins that pass through his hands during the week, it is of critical importance.
Haile, who has been living homeless in central Birmingham for five years, since being released from an immigration detention centre, does not respond. "He's always like that. He says, 'English first for food.' I don't pay any attention to him. He drinks," Haile says. On the whole, he avoids telling people about his background. "If they knew I was an asylum seeker," he says, gesturing to the group, made up mainly of local drug addicts, alcoholics and the mentally ill, "and that I don't have papers to be in this country, I think I would be dead now. I don't make friendships with anyone; I don't know who is good or bad."
There are no night shelters that failed asylum seekers can go to in Birmingham (the Salvation Army hostel is not allowed to accept them), but the Red Cross has told her about a place in Coventry, 20 miles away, which offers emergency shelter to destitute migrants. She calls but there are only men staying at the centre, and the woman who runs the centre suggests it might be not be ideal for her. Mimi will continue sleeping on sofas.
Birmingham city council declined to comment on bccdiy.com but a spokesman pointed out that the Â?2.8m figure was for more than revamping the website. It covered a larger remit that he claimed had massively improved the council's relationship with residents â?? face-to-face, by phone and via the web.
Having taken on Birmingham council, Lewandowski is engaged in providing a similar service for every other council taxpayer in the country through diycouncil.com, which he built by downloading the contents of another site and adding content based on his work with bccdiy.com.
Aston Villa face West Ham United and Everton travel to Blackburn Rovers, while Blackpool's first match in the Premier League is at home, to local rivals Wigan. Elsewhere on the opening day, Steve Bruce's Sunderland are at home to Birmingham City, one of the clubs he previously managed. Wolverhampton Wanderers and Stoke City play at Molineux, while Bolton Wanderers and Europa League runners-up Fulham meet in the north-west.
Although Birmingham has a large number of destitute asylum seekers they are not very visible. They do not sit at train stations or by cashpoints; instead they linger in the shadows, afraid of attracting attention from officials.

This is equivalent to a new city the size of Birmingham.
Odpowiada to liczbie mieszkańców miasta wielkości Birmingham.

We need to make a brief pit stop in Birmingham.
Dziękuję. Zrobimy krótki postój w Birmingham.

Let me share an example with you: Birmingham airport in my constituency.
Przedstawię państwu przykład - port lotniczy Birmingham w moim okręgu wyborczym.

Because Birmingham was part of the civil rights struggle.
Ponieważ Birmingham było częścią zamieszek o prawa obywatelskie.

My friends back in Birmingham would never forgive me.
Moi byli koledzy z Birmingham nigdy mi nie wybaczą.

I'm sure they have them in Birmingham too.
Jestem pewna, że są też w Birmingham.

Because we know you like dralon because you're from Birmingham.
Ponieważ wiemy że lubisz dralon bo jesteś z Birmingham.

The angel suicides in baltimore, And the birmingham bridge collapse.
Samobójstwa Angelów w Baltimore i zapadnięcie się mostu w Birmingham?

Why you making a pit stop in Birmingham?
Dlaczego zatrzymujemy się w Birmingham?

Look what you did do. Distinguished visitors from Birmingham.
Proszę spojrzeć. ,,Witamy gości z Birmingham.

I read online that Gloriana is playing a secret show in Birmingham.
Czytałam w internecie, że Gloriana gra sekretny koncert w Birmingham.

If you're going all the way to Chicago, through Birmingham, whatever...
Skoro jedziesz do Chicago, przez Birmingham, mało ważne...

Last I heard he'd returned to Birmingham, but... this was three years ago?
Gdzie jest dzisiaj? -Słyszałem, że wrócił do Birmingham, ale to było trzy-cztery lata temu.

- Mr President, yesterday in my home city of Birmingham we held a car crisis summit.
Panie przewodniczący! Wczoraj w moim rodzinnym mieście Birmingham miał miejsce szczyt, na którym omawiany był kryzys samochodowy.

I read that, uh, Book of Mormon is coming to Birmingham next month.
Czytałam, że Księga Mormonów ma być wystawiana w Birmingham w przyszłym miesiącu.

Mr President, the other day I was in Birmingham.
Panie przewodniczący! Pewnego dnia byłam w Birmingham.

We got a bit pissed somewhere near Birmingham
Wkurwiliśmy się gdzieś koło Birmingham

I had a companv in Birmingham. Supplied parts for Ford.
Moja firma w Birmingham robiła części dla Forda.

We have family in Birmingham.
Mamy rodzinę w Birmingham.

Birmingham Special. Leaves in 10 minutes. Track 17.
Birmingham specjalny... za 10 minut, tor 17.

And now we have The Style Warriors from Birmingham.
A teraz The Style Warriors z Birmingham.

On your way to Birmingham, Chicago.
Chicago? Po drodze do Birmingham?

Second, from Birmingham, with 80 points, The Style Warriors.
Drugie miejsce, z Birmingham, z 80 punktami, The Style Warriors.

It's a factory town like Detroit or Birmingham or Schaffhausen.
To fabryczne miasto. Jak Detroit albo Birmingham, albo Schaffhausen.

You don't play Birmingham twice, June.
Nie grasz w Birmingham dwa razy, June.

It's about Atlanta and Birmingham.
Chodzi mi o Atlantę i Birmingham.

Pried open a patio door in Birmingham... used a glass cutter in Atlanta.
Wszedł przez drzwi od patio w Birmingham a w Atlancie użył diamentu do szkła.

Why? - You in Birmingham, buddy. We hate Mobile.
Po co? Jesteś w Birmingham. Nienawidzimy Mobile.

If you look at that, and you look at the Birmingham sonar readings...
Jeśli na to spojrzeć, i spojrzeć na odczyty sonaru z Birmingham...

Birmingham, Alabama You over rated toaster.
Birmingham, Alabama. Piszesz zbyt ogólnikowo!

Now, we've got branches in Edinburgh, Liverpool, Birmingham, and London.
Mamy oddziały w Edynburgu, Liverpoolu, Birmingham i Londynie.

Am I speakin' to a Theophilus Hamilton of Birmingham?
Czy mam przyjemność z Theophilus Hamilton of Birmingham?

This freak killed the Jacobis in Birmingham... on Saturday night, February 25.
Ten świr zabił rodzinę Jacobi w Birmingham... w sobotnią noc, 25 lutego.

Look out, y'all, I'm hot as fire... and I'm burning up Birmingham.
Uważaj, no jestem gorący jak ogień... i palę Birmingham.

It's Richard Hammond cos he'sfrom Birmingham. No, it's not!
To Richard Hammond ponieważ pochodzi z Birmingham. Nie, tak nie jest!

In this area... the cruisers Arethusa, Manchester, Birmingham.
W tym rejonie... krazowniki Arethusa, Manchester, Birmingham.

My name is Angela Dalibar and I'm from Birmingham by way of Hong Kong.
Nazywam się Angela Dalibar, i jestem z Birmingham w Wielkiej Brytanii. Jak mnie znaleźliście?

Mr President, I want to demonstrate our solidarity with Fujitsu workers in Birmingham who are threatened with redundancy.
Panie przewodniczący! Chciałabym wyrazić naszą solidarność z pracownikami firmy Fujitsu w Birmingham, którym grożą zwolnienia z pracy.

As an aside, I just thought I would mention in passing that, under the Labour Government in the United Kingdom, railway patronage has increased 20% over recent years - even on the route from London to Birmingham!
A tak na marginesie, to pomyślałem sobie, że powinienem wspomnieć, iż pod rządami Partii Pracy w Wielkiej Brytanii stałe korzystanie z kolei wzrosło w ostatnich latach o 20 % - nawet na trasie z Londynu do Birmingham!

One of the statistics from our summit - from Professor David Bailey in our Birmingham Business School - estimates that 300 000 consumers in the United Kingdom were refused a car credit application over the last six months.
Zgodnie z jedną ze statystyk naszego szczytu - profesora Davida Baileya z naszej Birmingham Business School - 300 tysięcy konsumentów w Zjednoczonym Królestwie spotkał się z odrzuceniem wniosku o kredyt samochodowy na przestrzeni ostatnich sześciu miesięcy.