Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Adverb) na oślep, w ciemno, z zawiązanymi oczami;

Słownik zwrotów amerykańskiego angielskiego

foUld@dadv Z zamkniętymi oczami They could virtually do it blindfolded (Mogli to właściwie robić z zamkniętymi oczami) - Time (1991) I could do it blindfolded (Mógłbym to zrobić z zamkniętymi oczami) - Student University of North Carolina (1999)

ECTACO słownik angielsko-polski Słowniki elektroniczne Ectaco do nabycia u wydawcy


Nowy słownik angielsko-polski aut. Zygmunt Saloni, Tadeusz Piotrowski

z zawiązanymi oczami

Otwarty słownik angielsko-polski V.9.2007, Copyright (c) Jerzy Kazojć - 2007 r.


Wielki słownik wojskowy angielsko-polski

adj. z zawiązanymi oczami

Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

A former Israeli soldier who posed for pictures with Palestinian detainees and posted them on her Facebook page defended her actions today, as more images emerged of Israeli service personel posing alongside blindfolded detainees and dead bodies.
"I still don't understand what I did wrong," Eden Abergil told Israeli army radio. Abergil, a reserve officer with the Israeli army who completed compulsory military service last year, provoked outrage over photographs in which she posed next to handcuffed, blindfolded Palestinians.
Yehuda Shaul, one of the group's founders, said: "This is commonplace. Don't you take pictures of your everyday life? For these soldiers serving in the occupied territories, this is what they see 24/7 â?? handcuffed and blindfolded Palestinians."
Facebook images of an Israeli servicewoman posing with blindfolded Palestinians have caused a storm. Now two former female conscripts have spoken out about their own experiences
Concerns about Israeli army culture were raised last week following the publication on Facebook of photographs of a servicewoman posing alongside blindfolded and handcuffed Palestinians. The images were reminiscent of the Abu Ghraib scandal in Iraq. But the former soldier, Eden Abergil, said she didn't understand what was wrong with the pictures, which were described by the IDF as "ugly and callous".
The migrants, 14 of them women, came from at least four countries, including Honduras, El Salvador, Brazil and Ecuador. They were found bound and blindfolded by the wall of a barn after navy personnel stormed the ranch on Tuesday.
Juliard and Herm?­nio set out to smuggle themselves into a better life in the US. Three weeks later, the body of one, and the identity card of the other, were found among 72 blindfolded corpses in Mexico
Three weeks after the two Brazilians left Sardo??, on Tuesday 24 August, Mexican troops discovered the corpses of 58 men and 14 women, bound, blindfolded and lying in the grass along the edges of a breezeblock barn in Tamaulipas state. Their bodies were riddled with bullets.
"They handcuffed me and blindfolded me, and threw me into the back of a vehicle." They drove fast out of the city, he says and when they stopped he could smell pigs, so he knew this was some kind of farm. Then they threw him into an empty room and locked the door. After an hour, they removed his blindfold, and the interrogation began.
"So I tried to tell them what I knew about the strike, and that there were fliers floating round the school calling for the strike. They asked who distributed them â?? I didn't know. Then they blindfolded me again and removed my trousers down to my ankles. I started shivering, knowing that something terrible was going to happen. They called to someone. 'Skipper,' they called, 'get ready, we are waiting for you.'

Outside every county courthouse in the land is the lady blindfolded.
Na zewnątrz każdego budynku sądu hrabstwa na tej ziemi jest pani z zawiązanymi oczyma.

Yeah, but can I do it blindfolded jumping out of a plane?
Tak, ale czy taka pozostanę wykonując skok z samolotu z zawiązanymi oczyma?

You got to learn to strip them down and put them back together, blindfolded.
Musicie się nauczyć rozkładać go i składać z zamkniętymi oczami.

Laugh it up, but I could whip all of your asses blindfolded.
Śmiej się, ale skopałabym wam wszystkim tyłki z zawiązanymi oczami.

Here, when we whip you, you'll always be blindfolded.
Tu, kiedy my mamy ciebie, ty zawsze będziesz tęsknić.

Each contestant will be blindfolded and placed on separate floors of this building.
Zawodnicy będą mieli zawiązane oczy i zostaną umieszczeni na różnych piętrach tego budynku.

You'll be blindfolded and taken to another location.
Zasłonią ci oczy i przewiozą w inne miejsce.

Unless I'm blindfolded, handcuffed, with a cue sticking out of my ass.
Chyba że byłbym ślepy, w kajdankach z kijem sterczącym mi z dupy.

Why do you have to be blindfolded?
Czemu musicie mieć opaske na oczach?

I can do this blindfolded now.
Robię to z zawiązanymi oczami.

The other blindfolded and gagged me.
Drugi zakrył mi pczy i zakneblował.

First you must be blindfolded.
Najpierw musisz mieć zawiązane oczy.

I could walk it blindfolded.
Mógłbym nią iść, z zawiązanymi oczami.

They blindfolded me when they drove me here.
On mi zawiązal oczy kiedy wiozł mnie tutaj.

Movies have to be finished, even blindfolded...
Film powinien zostać ukończony, nawet jeśli masz to zrobić, będąc ślepym.