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Vanessa Lewis at The Book Nook in Hove: "We opened in March 2009. I used to be a teacher, and Julie [Ward] my partner worked in marketing and publishing. We're both really passionate about books. There wasn't a specialist children's bookshop in Brighton and Hove, and the reception has been wonderful. We're events driven â?? three Saturdays out of four we have an event with an author or illustrator, and we have story time every day at four. We're quite lucky because we found a place with a little cafe area, and we've put a pirate ship in the shop, trying to make it child-friendly, and a place where parents can relax with coffee.
10.22am: More cold football talk. "Coldeast and wettest was Brighton v Bradford at the so-called Withdean 'Stadium'," emails Matt Tempest. "Exposed bleachers by the side of a running track in horizontal sleet, visibility so bad could only see the keeper at our end. 20 quid for that privilige." The Withdean, now that's a good shout ...
Incident in Brighton follows case of nine-month-old twins Isabella and Lola Koupparis, who were attacked in their upstairs bedroom in east London
A toddler was taken to hospital in Brighton after reports that he had been injured by a fox, police confirmed today.
Relatives took the boy to the Royal Sussex county hospital in Brighton where he was treated and released, Sussex police said.
On this visit though, we headed out unguided, our purpose to test if this is a place that tourists can visit independently. New Brighton seemed the obvious choice â?? it is the oldest township in the area, and bursting with history. It was the birthplace of Umkhonto we Sizwe (Spear of the Nation), the armed wing of the ANC, home of leading political activists such as Govan Mbeki, and the backdrop for many of Athol Fugard's plays about black South African life.
Most importantly of all, New Brighton has created a world-class museum in the heart of the settlement.
For a moment we were unnerved. But then we remembered the people we have met here â?? Xhanti, Florence, Mawongo and Noxolo â?? welcoming points of contact in a place where before there were only strangers. From an unknown township to a familiar and friendly place â?? for us New Brighton was a revelation.
Three times police noted Linda Catt had sat in the public gallery of Brighton magistrates court, to witness the trial of fellow campaigners for alleged breaches of public order law or local bylaws arising out of the EDO MBM protests.
Talking to Alfie does not take the conventional form of an interview. He doesn't have a permanent place to stay, so we meet in one of the flats in Brighton where he has been sofa-hopping since being released from prison. I find him relaxed and happy to talk. He rolls a joint, sits back in the armchair of the sparsely furnished sitting room of the flat, which is lived in by a group of people in their late teens, and says, "Carry on with your questions, Guardian lady."

Maybe we'll open another spot next year across from Brighton.
Może otworzymy następny klub w przyszłym roku, naprzeciwko Brighton.

Brighton was going to court with the Ace and that.
W Brighton było 0K, pójście do sądu z Asem i to.

They have been chasing me since my arrival here in Brighton.
Nie odstępują mnie na krok od mojego przyjazdu tutaj do Brighton.

Thomas Brighton, according to the serial number on the pen.
Thomas Brighton, zgodnie z numerem seryjnym na piórze.

Your sister says you've had an offer of £87,000 for your house in Brighton.
Pani siostra mówi, że zaoferowano pani 87,000 funtów za dom w Brighton.

Who'd have known that honeymooning in Brighton was such a dangerous notion?
Dziw bierze, że miesiąc miodowy w Brighton może być tak niebezpieczny.

Well, if you are free tomorrow, I'm doing a photo shoot in Brighton.
Jeśli jutro jesteś wolny, mam zdjęcia w Brighton.

I found her by the road in Brighton.
Znalazłem ją przy drodze w Brighton.

No, they are encamped at Brighton for the summer.
Nie, tego lata obozują w Brighton.

I remember when Mom used to drop me off at kindergarten on Brighton.
Pamiętam jak mama podrzucała mnie do przedszkola w Brighton.

And I'm still going down to Brighton with him.
I nadal jadę do Brighton z nim.

Do you fancy the ferry over to New Brighton tomorrow?
Chcesz popłynąć jutro promem do New Brighton?

It's the one you bought me in Brighton.
Kupił mi go pan w Brighton.

I mean, nothing seems right, apart from Brighton.
To znaczy, nic nie jest dobrze, oprócz Brighton.

A pity we didn't all go to Brighton.
Szkoda, że nie pojechałyśmy wszystkie do Brighton.

I'm 21 and I'm heading to Brighton to look for my family.
Mam 21 lat i jadę do Brighton... ...poszukać rodziny.

I got my relative in Brighton. We can go there for a bit
Jest jedno miejsce, w, którym możemy się na trochę zatrzymać.

And papa refuses to take us to Brighton.
Chciałyśmy, żeby ojciec zabrał nas do Brighton, ale się nie zgadza.

Shouldn't you like to go to Brighton?
Nie chciałabyś pojechać do Brighton, Lizzy?

Money received from Brighton is £15 000.
Otrzymaliśmy pieniądze z Brighton w wysokości 15000 funtów.

Get to Brighton and finish the job.
Jedź do Brighton i skończ zadanie.

But we gave Brighton our word.
Ale daliśmy słowo Brighton.

It's a call to a number in Brighton Beach, New York.
To telefon na numer w Brighton Beach, w stanie Nowy Jork.

What do we care about Brighton?
A co nam po Brighton?

Mr. Brighton, are you selling dopeto my girls again?
Panie Brighton, znów sprzedaje pan trawke moim córkom?

Petrossian is survived by his mother who resides in Brighton Beach.
Petrossian jest przetrzymywany przez jego matkę, która mieszka w Brighton Beach.

Anne Brighton, she's next on the list!
Anne Brighton, jest następna na liście!

If we're goin' to Brighton, we'll need bloody millions.
Skoro jedziemy do Brighton, będziemy potrzebować cholerne miliony.

That's my dad's favourite hotel in Brighton.
To jest ulubiony hotel mojego taty w Brightonie.

Listen, his next victim, Anne Brighton, is April 22nd, today.
Posluchaj, nastepna ofiara, Anne Brighton, 22 kwietnia, dzisiaj.

But Brighton is not our victim.
Ale Brighton nie jest naszą ofiarą.

They left Brighton together on Sunday night.
Opuścili razem Brighton w niedzielę w nocy.

My youngest sister is at Brighton.
Moja najmłodsza siostra jest w Brighton.

We could send her to Bournemouth or Brighton.
Powinnyśmy ją wysłać na trochę do Bournemouth albo Brighton.

Russian unit out of in Brighton.
Sekcja rosyjska głównego oddziału z Brighton.

Cops found his head on Brighton Avenue.
Gliny znalazły jego głowę na Brighton Avenue,

We shall have no peace at Longbourn if Lydia does not go to Brighton.
Nie będziemy mieli spokoju w Longbourn, jeśli Lidia nie pojedzie do Brighton.

It's gonna be a beautiful week in Brighton.
Czeka nas cudowny tydzień w Brighton.

Ah. My husband thinks I was staying with my sister in Brighton.
Mój mąż myśli, że spotkałam się z moją siostrą w Briton.

But Brighton was his choice, Leeds was mine.
Brighton było jego wyborem, a Leeds moim.

Yes, may I speak to Anne Brighton, please?
Czy mogę rozmawiać z Anne Brighton?

You goin' to Brighton this weekend?
Jedziesz do Brighton w ten weekend?

Mrs Forster has invited me, as her particular friend, to go with her to Brighton.
Pani Forster zaprosiła mnie, jako swoją najbliższą przyjaciółkę, żebym z nią pojechała do Brighton!

At the Royal Pavilion at Brighton three years ago.
W Pawilonie Królewskim w Brighton, trzy lata temu.

Eddie Williams and Thomas Brighton were Brian's last two clients.
Eddie Williams i Thomas Brighton byli jego ostatnimi klientami.

Probably she hides in Brighton Beach.
Ukrywa się w Brighton Beach.

If I should go to Brighton, I would behave better than Lydia.
Gdybym to ja pojechała do Brighton,zachowywałabym się lepiej, niż Lidia.

Ere, Pete, what about Brighton this weekend, eh?
Pete, co z Brighton w ten weekend, co?

Anne Brighton, please.
Anne Brighton, proszę.