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Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

"If we are constantly at war," says Hudson-Wilkin, "we are taking our eyes off the main business, which is proclaiming good news." She bristles once more. "It wasn't the right time when we ordained women as deacons, it wasn't the right time when we ordained women as priests, and it will not be the right time when we consecrate women as bishops. It will never be the right time for those who are intrinsically opposed to women in leadership within the church."
"The condition of this painting is one of its most amazing attributes," said Moore-Gwyn. "It is outstanding, and helps to highlight the genius of Turner by revealing the various techniques that he employed: the cross hatching of dry paint, the thinning out of the paintwork, the working with the bristles of his brush, the array of paint textures, and the subtle nuances of colour he uses."
The husk of the sweet chestnut is covered in a large number of long, fine bristles and contains more than one nut, whereas the horse chestnut has a few rather stumpy spines and only ever contains a single nut. The traditional method of removing the nuts is to make a small pile, stamp on it and search through the debris for the bright shiny treasure. Sweet chestnuts of an edible size are not necessarily found every year, but sometimes the weather suits them and we get a bumper crop. And sometimes only one or two trees in a forest will set good fruit.
Reilly seems to have managed it, though. "Surprising people is the key to career longevity for someone like me," he says. The life of a character actor has enabled him to keep his privacy, but he sees that starting to fall away. "I've been getting recognised more in the last few years, as my face appears on more posters. If people have seen me in a comedy, they're, like, 'You're always so funny!' And I'll be, like, 'Well, I've done a few funny movies. But there are 25 or 30 others that are more dramatic.'" He bristles slightly, just as he does later when I suggest he has an everyman quality. "For those kind of characters, then sure, maybe. But I've played a lot of parts that aren't like that. A vampire, a porn star, child-men." Point taken.
"They're low-cost and amazingly effective," says Andy Don, whose baby the scheme is. "If you put them in, the eels will come." Two days after his very first eel pass opened on King's Sedgemoor Drain, he watched open-mouthed as CCTV footage from the previous night showed 11,000 elvers wriggling their way up through the bristles and onwards, upstream. "This sluice was an impassable barrier," he says. "We spend a few hundred quid and" â?? he gestures happily â?? "now it isn't."

Your hair bristles when you lay eyes on him.
Włosy ci stanęły dęba kiedy na niego spojrzałaś.

But lower down, there are a few upright bristles - triggers.
Ale niżej, istnieje kilka pionowych włosów - wyzwalaczy.

I fingered you for murder because Bristles' brother would kill me.
Zakapowałem na ciebie, bo jego brat zabiłby mnie.

Not the bristles, but the bit you hold.
Nie włosie, tylko ta część do trzymania.

Gold bristles would hurt my gums.
Złote włosie by podrażniło moje dziąsła.