Praktyczny słownik religijny angielsko-polski 2005, Krzysztof Czekierda

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In 2002 the author "consecrated her writing entirely to Christ, vowing to write for Him or about Him". She began to write novels about the life of Christ, completing Christ the Lord: Out of Egypt in 2005, and publishing Christ the Lord: The Road to Cana in 2008 when she also released the memoir Called Out of Darkness: A Spiritual Confession, about her conversion at the age of 57. She is currently writing a series about angels, in which a contract killer is recruited by a seraph.
As the presidential campaign hit top gear, the Cal-Neva became a place where Jack and Frank got together with starlets and showgirls. They and Giancana each had an affair with Judy Campbell, a former model. The singer and the president-to-be shared the favours of Marilyn Monroe, who was kept out of sight in a chalet overlooking the lake, particularly when her former husband, the baseball hero Joe DiMaggio, came calling. When Joe Kennedy, masterminding and bankrolling his son's campaign, needed votes in the crucial West Virgina primary, he asked Sinatra to enlist Giancana's help, which was readily forthcoming. Using Sinatra as a conduit, Giancana also passed a covert donation to the campaign from Jimmy Hoffa's Teamsters Union.
"I was raised in a hippy Christian family. I used to sing from the hymn book and make up the tunes on a little acoustic guitar, then later I'd sing rambling, mournful poems over minor-key chords. I'd always written fragments, but my first proper, complete song didn't come until my late teens. You know when you're having breakfast how you're always looking for something to read? Most people read the back of the cornflake box, but there was a book of Leonard Cohen's poetry on the kitchen table and I'd read it every day. It must have inspired me. Black and Blue is a hopeful, romantic, youthful song about this old guy who was a bit miserable and cynical about love. I was a waitress, and he found me really annoying because I was so bouncy and happy. I was listening to a lot of Americana â?? Gillian Welch, Jayhawks. Before that I used to sing Cat Stevens and Tracy Chapman, but I performed Black and Blue with a family friend, and people really liked it. It was so encouraging."
What we've seen over the last five years is titles that have succeeded by merging period detail with the seemingly universal adolescent pre-occupations of science fiction and fantasy. Hence, we've had Insomniac's Resistance: Fall of Man, which blends '50s Americana with an alien invasion story, and Bioshock, which ingeniously combines art deco architecture with steampunk technologies and cybernetic augmentation.

How cana man so young have eyes so old?
Jak taki młodyczłowiek może mieć tak stare oczy?

I know that Ibelin is not on the way to Cana.
Wiem, że to nie po drodze do Kany.

How cana scorpion sting through a shell?
Jak skorpion miałby się przebić przez twardą skorupę?