ECTACO słownik angielsko-polski Słowniki elektroniczne Ectaco do nabycia u wydawcy


Praktyczny słownik religijny angielsko-polski 2005, Krzysztof Czekierda

1. monast. Ojcowie

2. Ojcowie

Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

Shunned after his death before coming to be recognised as one of the fathers of modern painting, an exhibition of Caravaggio's work at the Scuderie del Quirinale in Rome this year celebrating the 400th anniversary of his death attracted 580,000 visitors.
Does Jackson feel he never got the recognition he deserved? He is too smart to answer directly, instead choosing to quote from Proverbs 22: "Remove not the ancient landmarks that our mothers and fathers have setâ??" he says in sonorous tones. "Each successive generation inherited the benefit of the struggles, and the wisest among us appreciate their contribution."
Britain must end its obsession with getting young single mothers into work, and focus on young, unemployed fathers whose historic role as the family breadwinner has had to be taken over by the taxpayer, Frank Field, David Cameron's poverty adviser, has said.
Field claimed many of these young, unemployed fathers will not accept offers of work for less than Â?300 a week since they feel it is not worth their while.
He said successive governments had focused too much on monetary means to cure poverty. "Labour's very existence had become bound up with high public expenditure," he said. In remarks made in a lecture to the Attlee Foundation, a charity which works in disadvantaged areas, Field called for the welfare debate to shift from single mothers, and for the issue of unmarried fathers to be taken out of the shadows. He claimed "the feminisation of debate about poverty has largely been run by upwardly mobile, very successful women".
Plus in the mid-90s, Radio 4 aired The Locker Room, a series about men and masculinity. The show's presenter, the singer and broadcaster Tom Robinson, admitted he was miffed to hear that Men's Hour had been commissioned. "My first thought was 'bastards!'," he said. "I've been trying to get the BBC to recommission The Locker Room for years and have always been told that the sort of issues we covered, like fathers fighting for access to children after a divorce, or impotence, are now covered in mainstream programming."
Until three months ago, Alex Preston was in that world. He entered it almost by accident. His mother and grandfather were academics, and at Oxford University he did English and wanted to be a novelist. But then he made friends there "whose fathers were in the City. I went to their houses. And I thought, 'I fancy a bit of that.'" Working in the City, he told himself, would be a short-term thing: "Putting aside a few quid, and then sitting in a farmhouse in the south of France, writing my Ulysses."
Then there are the more subtle City status symbols: a subsidised second career, or a very early retirement. Preston says he "didn't save much, alas" of what he earned in the City, but he is working on his second novel and doing an English PhD, enviable choices for a 30-year-old in London with two small children. Ogden-Newton says, "If your kids go to private school, you see these fathers who have made enough money in the City and don't need to work any more." An edge comes into her voice: "They have a 'photography business' or something."
I understand that this is the lot that many working women have had to bear for decades. I find it unsurprising that so many are succumbing to depressive illness. But since I "came out", I found a startling number of do-it-all fathers who are suffering too.
Irresponsible parents are damaging their children's health by smoking around them, feeding them unhealthy food and failing to act as good role models, he says. Mothers and fathers who smoke in cars carrying their offspring â?? who Field says "are committing a form of child abuse" â?? and at home in front of their children kill more young people than do accidental injuries.

They are friends even though their fathers have killed each other.
Oni będą przyjaciółmi nawet jeśli ich ojcowie nawzajem się pozabjają.

Children do not always think that about their fathers, believe me.
Nie zawsze tak myślą. Uwierz mi.

I've felt like the child born of those two fathers.
Są chwile,... że czuję się jak dziecko narodzone z tych dwóch ojców.

I'm here with the other Fathers, but we didn't come to support the children.
Jestem tu z innymi ojcami. Ale nie przyszliśmy wspierać dzieci.

Lots of girls have bad fathers, and they don't end up like you.
Wiele dziewczyn ma złych ojców, ale one nie są takie jak Ty.

Most people do it because that's what their fathers' did.
Większość robi to, bo ich ojcowie to robili.

Because we want to see smile on our fathers face, that also.
Ponieważ chcemy, zobaczyć uśmiech na twarzy ojców, ty również.

We should not support mothers without doing the same thing for fathers as well.
Nie powinniśmy wspierać matek, nie wspierając również ojców.

Who could live with the blood of mothers and fathers on them?
Kto mógłby żyć splamiony krwią matki i ojca?

I have a theory: They learn it from their fathers.
Moja teoria: uczą się tego od swoich ojców.

Some of the other fathers seem to find her attractive.
Niektórzy ojcowie uważają ją za atrakcyjną.

The Fathers chose you to lead us, and we will stand by your side.
Ojcowie wybrali, abyś to ty nas poprowadził. Staniemy u twego boku.

Others' fathers say that my son will achieve something in life.
Inni ojcowie mówią z dumą, że ich syn coś osiągnie w życiu.

You have nine children by seven different fathers, is that correct?
Ma pani dziewiątkę dzieci z siedmioma różnymi ojcami, zgadza się?

How can I refuse a son of such great fathers?
Jak mam odmówić synowi tak wspaniałego ojca?

Fathers make mistakes sometimes. But this is not one of them.
Ojcowie czasami popełniają błędy, ale to nie jest jeden z nich.

And only that way, we shall be able to pay for our fathers.
I tylko w ten sposób będziemy w stanie odpłacić swoim ojcom.

To set an example they burnt out her fathers eyes.
Dla przykładu jej ojcu wypalili oczy.

Sons are put on this earth to trouble their fathers.
Synowie są po to, by sprawiać ojcom kłopot.

It is particularly important that fathers are included in bringing up children.
Szczególnie ważne jest, by ojcowie uczestniczyli w wychowywaniu dzieci.

May I also thank you on behalf of all fathers for that speech.
Dziękuję również w imieniu ojców za to wystąpienie.

It's a shame none of the fathers could be here.
Co za wstyd, że nie mógł być tutaj żaden z ojców.

Why do we think this was so important to our founding fathers?
Dlaczego waszym zdaniem, było to tak ważne dla naszych ojców założycieli?

Girls don't want to go out with guys that are like their fathers, huh?
Dziewczyny nie chcą wychodzić na randki z chłopakami wybranymi przez ich ojców, huh?

Tom, I am not going to another one of your fathers weddings.
Tom, nie pójdę na kolejne wesele twojego ojca.

Just downstairs, I mean, not a lot of fathers can say that!
Byłem na dole, nie wiele ojców może to powiedzieć.

I have been able to observe all kinds of fathers.
I byłam w stanie zaobserwować wielu różnych ojców.

Fathers must also have the right to two weeks' paternity leave on full pay.
Także ojcowie muszą mieć prawo do dwutygodniowego, pełnopłatnego urlopu ojcowskiego.

We must not let mothers and fathers be the ones to suffer.
Nie możemy pozwolić, aby matki i ojcowie mieli na tym ucierpieć.

I guess they don't see too many fathers here during the weekdays.
Chyba w tygodniu nie widzą tu zbyt wielu ojców.

And all the guys I was with are way too immature to be fathers.
A wszyscy faceci z którymi byłam nie są zbyt dojrzali.

I'm pretending to be Santa and also their various fathers.
Będę udawać świętego Mikołaja i ich ojca.

Why not? There must be some advantage in having deaf fathers.
Musi być jakaś korzyść z tego, że nasi ojcowie nie słyszą.

The time that we were showered with our fathers' blood!
Pamiętaj chwilę, kiedy byliśmy cali we krwi naszych ojców!

I always felt bad For people with emotionally distant fathers.
Zawsze było mi szkoda ludzi ze zdystansowanymi emocjonalnie ojcami.

A committee of town fathers decides who plays and by what rules.
Rada miasta ustala kto ma grać i na jakich zasadach.

This new period should not be seen as a threat, even taking into account the introduction of rights for fathers.
Nie należy postrzegać tego nowego wymiaru jako zagrożenia, nawet biorąc pod uwagę ustanowienie praw dla ojców.

I know how many families would fall into poverty if the fathers lost a job in the mines.
Wiem, jak wiele rodzin popadłoby w ubóstwo, gdyby ojcowie stracili pracę w kopalni.

We're their fathers, and it's high times we acted like it.
Jesteśmy waszymi ojcami i jest najwyższy czas abyśmy zaczęli się tak zachowywać.

This is all about maternity leave and we have included fathers.
Chodzi tu przecież o urlop macierzyński, a my uwzględniliśmy tu ojców.

Nobody asks men or fathers such questions when they are being recruited.
Takich pytań nie stawia się mężczyznom, ojcom w czasie przyjmowania ich do pracy.

You know, you have no idea what my fathers like.
Nie macie pojęcia, jaki jest mój ojciec.

I abase myself only before the God of my fathers.
Ukarzam się tylko przed Bogiem mych ojców.

The last father in a long series of fathers.
Ostatnim ojcem z długiej serii ojców.

Sometimes, Clark, we're all held hostage by the will of our fathers.
Czasami wszyscy jesteśmy zakładnikami woli naszych ojców.

I think that's how it goes, don't you, with fathers and daughters?
Myślę, że to tak jest, z ojcami i córkami?

Don't ever say that again about your fathers. They are not cowards!
Nie waż się więcej tak mówić o ojcach, to nie są tchórze.

Our founding fathers understood this and they had an answer for it.
Nasi przodkowie rozumieli to i mieli na to odpowiedź.

You weakened the fathers to such degrees, They couldn't protect their own families.
Osłabiłeś ojców chrzestnych do tego stopnia, że nie potrafią chronić swoich własnych rodzin.