Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Adverb) z wdziękiem, wdzięcznie, elegancko, z gracją; taktownie;
grow old gracefully - ładnie się starzeć;
admit defeat gracefully - z godnością przyznać się do porażki;

ECTACO słownik angielsko-polski Słowniki elektroniczne Ectaco do nabycia u wydawcy


Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

Today, Goodall is a gracefully aged replica of the young woman who first set foot at Gombe five decades ago. Her long blond hair, tied back as usual, has turned silvery grey. Now aged 76, she exudes a calm confidence as she travels the world, promoting green causes established by the Jane Goodall Institute, which she set up in 1977 in order to promote research at Gombe and to protect chimpanzees and their habitats.
You know one when you see it: gloriously simple, gracefully contoured, and a byword for how enduring the electric guitar has proved to be. As a sumptuous new coffee-table book titled Fender: The Golden Age 1946-70 puts it: "It is a simple, no-frills instrument, yet still regarded as one of the finest electric guitars ever produced . . . There are very few mass-produced items that can boast the same uninterrupted lifespan." In other words, it beggars belief how an object designed six decades ago doesn't look â?? or, more importantly, sound â?? kitsch or outdated. The Telecaster's younger and less elegant sibling, the Stratocaster, tends to go wildly in and out of style, but this guitar remains as unimpeachably cool as ever.
Ever slept mid-flight on a magic carpet? It's to be recommended, especially when you're woken by Christine Collister, the Manx Nightingale, singing Touch and Go in your ear. Thanks, Christine. She parachutes gracefully away, and I'd drift down to land in Upper Teesdale. Somehow it's spring, the Tees is in crazy spate, and High Force waterfall is a thrilling mess of thunderous waters.
While many have revelled in the chic cornucopia of fast-changing trends and the growing number of places to shop, just as many have felt overwhelmed. Teenagers never used to have to know who Miuccia Prada was, let alone if they should save up for the latest Prada scent. And while working out what clothes are too frumpy, too sexy or too trendy has always been a problem for youth, the current generation has to do so in a world enthralled by the likes of Lady Gaga and Rihanna. And women who would once have retired gracefully from fashion's often fraught battlefield as their 30s faded now feel they should square their shoulders and carry on trying to keep up. It's unsurprising that as fashion for all ages has flourished so, too, has the pressure to stay looking young.
In fact, we gay Ugandans hide so well, and are gracefully camouflaged, that fellow Ugandans frequently ask themselves who the "evil gays" are. Of course, we are their kin. But they don't believe their brothers, sisters, cousins, relatives can be the "evil gays".
Super-heated steam â?? generated by the explosive marriage of hydrogen and oxygen â?? erupted from the base of the spaceship; the computer ignited the two solid boosters; the giant bolts which had been holding the straining shuttle to the ground were blown open; and, at just after midday, Columbia rose gracefully into the air on a pillar of white vapour. Twenty years to the day that Yuri Gagarin had become the first human in space after orbiting Earth in a Vostok capsule, America had launched the first reusable spaceship.
But how could this fall from grace have occurred? What turned the craft that soared so gracefully over Florida in April 1981 into a redundant, dangerous orbiting dinosaur? These are key questions, for until they are answered America (and the rest of the west which has relied so much on the ability to put men into space) will find itself floundering to find a role in space or a reason for being there. The US has got lost in space and the failure of the shuttle carries much of the blame. "The shuttle made America dependent on a fragile, expensive, risky launch system," says space policy expert professor John Logsdon of George Washington University. "It created the delusion of easy access to space. Now we are paying the price."
One thing is certain. Nerves at Kennedy Space Centre will be as taut as they were for that first shuttle launch day in 1981. "Most senior people at Nasa will be very happy to get this mission and the next two flown safely and then send the vehicles gracefully into museums," says Logsdon.

I don't understand why you can't lose gracefully, like your friends.
Nie rozumiem dlaczego nie możesz przegrać z wdziękiem, jak twoi przyjaciele.

I have to decide how to let Brooke down gracefully.
Musze zdecydować, w jaki sposób z wdziękiem zostawić Brooke.

Why is it that old women can't age gracefully?
Dlaczego kobiety nie potrafią starzeć się z godnością?

They had no hope of surviving, and they took it gracefully.
They nie mieli żadnej nadziei utrzymywania się przy życiu, i oni wzięli to wdzięcznie.

I guess he was looking for a... way to gracefully exit your life.
Zgaduję, że szuka sposobu aby... odejść z godnością z twojego życia.

And they should be dying gracefully with dignity and honor.
Niektórzy ludzie umierają i powinni móc to robić z godnością,

But I heard someone coming, so I gracefully slipped out.
Ale usłyszałem, że ktoś nadchodzi, więc cichutko się wycofałem.

Play gracefully, this is not a fun fair!
Grajcie z finezją. Nie jesteśmy w lunaparku!

Admit that Smoochy has won and gracefully march forward.
Czas by przyznać, że Smoochy wygrał i zrobić krok naprzód.

Okay, I'll do my best to lose gracefully.
Dobrze, zrobię co w mojej mocy, by stracić wdzięk.

You are indeed a family in distress, but you must recover and survive gracefully.
Wpadliście w rozpacz, ale otrząśniecie się z tego i przeżyjecie.

Feel the music and move gracefully.
Poczujcie muzykę i poruszajcie z gracją.

And I would do that gracefully.
Robiłam to z chęcią.

Like a fine wine, I'm aging gracefully. Thank you.
Jestem jak dobre wino, starzeję się z wdziękiem.

You should accept his help gracefully.
Powinieneś przyjąć jego pomoc z wdzięcznością.

But you can go gracefully.
Ale możesz odejść z gracją.

He's moving along so gracefully.
On porusza się tak wdzięcznie.

Well, he's known for losing gracefully.
Jest znany, że przegrywa z gracją.

I hope you at least have a voice... ...and can move more gracefully.
Mam nadzieję, że przynajmniej masz głos... ...i potrafisz poruszać się z większą gracją.

Buddha gracefully granted his wish.
Budda wspaniałomyślnie spełnił jego życzenie.

So, you can bow out gracefully...
Możesz się wycofać z honorem.

I shall once again glide gracefully... ...on the ponds of the world.
Ponownie będę z wdziękiem ślizgał się... po jeziorach świata.

Blood gushed from my wound in torrents... ...and I sank gracefully to the sidewalk.
Krew się lała strumieniem z mojej rany... i z wdziękiem upadłem na chodnik.