Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Noun) Izyda; geografia oksfordzki odcinek rzeki Tamizy;

Praktyczny słownik religijny angielsko-polski 2005, Krzysztof Czekierda

im., mitol., egipt. Izyda

Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

But the FT put more emphasis on a statement that the government made later, saying that George Osborne, the chancellor, had spoken about the crisis with Tony Hayward, BP's chief executive. Osborne said:
Some papers are reporting the supposed threat to British pension funds from the BP crisis in lurid terms. "Barack Obama is killing our pensions," the Daily Express says. But Joanne Segars, the chief executive of the National Association of Pension Funds, was on the Radio 4 Today programme this morning talking some sense on the subject.
10 June Abby's parents wrote: "Abby has all of the equipment on board to survive a crisis like this. She has a dry suit, survival suit, life raft, and ditch bag with emergency supplies. If she can keep warm and hang on, help will be there as soon as possible."
Be honest with the public, pleads the Adam Smith Institute's Eamonn Butler in his recently published 10 proposals to beat the deficit. Who could disagree? But cutting the deficit hurts â?? and so, it seems, does talking truthfully about cuts. All three main parties dissembled about these subjects throughout the general election. Cuts and taxes? Not in front of the voters. The informal conspiracy of silence suited everyone. Over the years, Gordon Brown's paranoia reduced Labour's capacity to debate economic choices to something close to the Chinese Communist party's capacity to debate political freedom. But the Tory party was as bad in its own way. The fear of frightening the voters this spring meant that the right's existential debate about public spending in the era of mounting sovereign debt crisis was never properly resolved before 6 May.
Behind the scenes arguments are raging about the scope of a punitive new economic and fiscal regime which has been triggered by the euro crisis affecting all 27 countries. Beyond the budget scrutiny and financial penalties, Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany wants to amend the Lisbon treaty to force offending countries also to forfeit their voting rights.
â?? Changes to planning system will hit social housingâ?? Crisis could create a rift in Conservative-Lib Dem coalition
The previous government estimated there was a need to build a minimum 250,000 homes a year to reach a target of 3m new properties by 2020 if an acute housing crisis is to be alleviated.
Any failure to tackle the housing crisis would threaten a major rift between the coalition partners. Simon Hughes, the Liberal Democrat deputy chairman, has made the issue a top priority, asking Cameron for assurances that the new government "would do better than Labour in building affordable housing".
But the federation said the crisis would worsen if the government did not urgently reconsider its policies. It claimed the decision to scrap regional housebuilding targets, without replacing them with an alternative system, would leave councils free to reject all new social housing developments.
But even within the EU, debate rages over how, precisely, to react to a crisis that besets it in a eurozone lacking political and fiscal union â?? in short, how to keep the European idea alive.

Isis is the only one who knows how to revive Phoebe.
Isis jest jedyną, która wie jak ożywić Phoebe.

Because Isis is the only one that can bring Phoebe back.
Ponieważ Isis jest jedyną, która może sprowadzić Phoebe z powrotem.

I've had to help out with the Isis Foundation.
Po tym, co się stało z Laną muszę pomagać w Fundacji Isis.

Queen Isis' forces will scatter to the four winds.
Wojska królowej Izis zostaną rozproszone na cztery wiatry.

She changed her name to Isis, and she calls us her cousins.
Zmieniła imię na Isis i nazywa nas kuzynkami.

Your gods Isis and Serapis must've been good to us.
Twoi bogowie Izyda i Serapis chyba nam sprzyjali.

Isis, go to the kitchen.
Isis, pójdź do kuchni.

Pray to Isis for me.
Módl się za mnie do Izydy.

Everyone close to something was wrong with him... ...including Isis!
Wszyscy widzieli, że coś jest nie w porządku. Wliczając Isis.